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"Bro," Eagleator finally spoke. "Are you... really my bro?"

"Oh bro..." I replied. "I finally got to know where you are- you're right next to me all along!"

I have him a hug as I too cried tears of joy.

"I never knew I had a twin brother..." I said. "I never knew you're my twin brother..."

"Bro..." Eagleator said as he hugged back. "I- I've been finding my real family all along- and I did it... I found you, I finally found my real family..."

We hugged for seconds as the both of us cried like babies. Mom and dad were never so happy as well. They joined in for the hug- a family reunion hug.

Joy didn't cry, but she did miss her family. On the way to my place, she told me that she had a little sister, and she died along with her parents. Now she really is an orphan.

Mom saw her standing there, with a sad look. She reached out an arm, gesturing her to join in for the hug.

Joy couldn't hold in her feelings anymore. She cried along with us as she joined in for the hug. I could see, from her face, that she missed this feeling.

"Hello...?" We were interrupted by a call. "Excuse us for a minute..."

The five of us finally let go as we saw two familiar figures standing in front of us with nervous looks.

They're Eagleator's foster parents- well, the ones who kidnapped him, actually.

Mom seemed surprised to see them, but dad wasn't pleased.

"Crover Featherson and Raven Flye," dad called them. "I see you're here for our son again, huh?"

Dad was about to hit them with a fist, but mom stopped him immediately.

"Hunter darling!" She pleaded. "Let them speak first!"

"Hunter, Marian..." Crover spoke. "We're not here for trouble!"

"We're here to apologise..." Raven continued. "Especially to Eason."

Eagleator looked at them, quite surprised.

"We're very sorry, Eason." Raven spoke. "We shouldn't have done this to you. We were MAJOR jerks..."

Eagleator smiled a little. He believed that he got that line from his 'mother'.

"It's okay," Eagleator replied. "At least the both of you raised me well."

"But we-" Crover tried to speak.

"Dad, it's fine, really..." Eagleator continued. "I never had a bad day when I still lived at your place. In fact, I enjoyed every moment there- until the truth is revealed, of course... But, still, I thank the both of you."

Eagleator bowed down to Crover and Raven, as the both of them fell silent.

Dad and mom looked up at them with eyes of forgiveness.

"Well," dad spoke as Eagleator stood still. "He proved it. And as a father as well, I forgive all your past actions."

"Me too." Mom continued. "As a mother, and as a friend- you two okay with it?"

Mom reached out a hand, as she looked at them and smiled.

Crover and Raven both teared up. And instead of shaking mom's hand, they hugged both mom and dad tightly in their feathered arms.

"We're very sorry..." They apologised. "Thank you both, you two are the absolute best..."

Mom and dad hugged back as my bro and I, along with Joy, smiled with pride.

Today, is the best day of our lives.

"Well, since the mission is done, my brother and I have to go back to the Unikingdom." I said. "You coming, Joy?"

"Sure!" Joy said as she looked back at my parents. "But, in one condition."

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now