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Joy and I frantically searched for Eagleator. He disappeared all of a sudden.

"Let's check that cliff, Hawkodile." Joy suggested. "I'm sure your bro wouldn't go too far away."

"Yeah, hope so." I replied as I thought. I'm sure he wouldn't consider me as his bro anymore. I've thoroughly hurt his feelings.

"Look, there he is!" Joy exclaimed suddenly as I looked in front of me. There, at the edge of a cliff located at a distance, sat Eagleator, apparently still teary eyed.

I was afraid to approach him, for I was the one at fault.

"You wanna repair your friendship with Eason?" Joy asked me.

I nodded slowly.

"Then get over there and apologise to him. Make him feel better." Joy said as she pointed at Eagleator.

"Okay, I will. I'm just, scared." I replied as I slowly approached my bro.

He saw me, then he turned away.

I sighed a sad sigh.

"Eagleator, I'm very sorry..." I apologised. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I- I couldn't control mine..."

"It's okay." Eagleator replied. "I couldn't control mine either."

"You... You forgave me?" I asked to make sure.

"Well, yeah..." He replied. "I mean, well, it's kinda my fault for hiding the answer from you all this time. I shouldn't have done that- and I shouldn't have yelled at you-"

"Don't say that, Eagleator..." I said. "I was being mean. I should've been the one at fault... I should've been the major jerk..."

Eagleator looked at me, and I looked back at him.

"So we're both major jerks now, huh, bro?" Eagleator asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." I smiled back as I said. "You...wanna talk about your backstory with me? It might make you feel better."

"Well, okay then." Eagleator replied. "Have a seat."

Eagleator gestured as I sat down right next to him.

"Welp," said Eagleator. "Here goes..."

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now