"Weird." I said. "Those footprints might've faded away throughout the years, am I right, bro?"

"Yeah," Eagleator replied. "What about it?"

"Well, it seems that Lil' Joy could fly." I said. "I could still see, like...two to four footprints here... and then, boom. No more. Couldn't even feel a slight dent."

"You could still see those footprints?!?" Eagleator exclaimed as he came and see. Two to four small footprints are still visible from the ground.

"Woah, tough kiddo." He said with awe. "And is that a coin?"

"Huh?" I exclaimed as I looked down to see a small golden one cent coin. I picked it up and inspected it.

"Bro, had they been stealing or something?" Eagleator looked at the coin and said. "Hey, there's another coin!"

Eagleator picked up another one cent coin and inspected it.

"Bro, I have a suspicion." He said.

"What is it, bro?" I asked him.

"Do you think that, uh... Lil' Joy might be... stealing a whole bag of coins?"

"Hmm..." I thought. "Any further information about your suspicion, bro?"

"Well, I think that they might've robbed their house, and dropped these babies on the ground- probably when they're taking flight- or maybe the bag has a hole..." Eagleator rubbed his chin as he said.

"Well, good point!" I gave my bro a thumbs up. "They might've robbed a lot tho, till their family became broke. I say, that kiddo might've gotten into a fight or something, and he decided to run away."

"Yeah, I think so too." Eagleator agreed. "So where do you think that kiddo might've gone to?"

"Hmm..." I thought. "Probably somewhere not far, yet also somewhere very far away..."

"Somewhere...out of Flightsville?" Eagleator suggested.

"Hey, nice guess." I replied. "But let's suspect some place near first."

"Like that forest over there?" Eagleator pointed at the forest behind the house.

I gulped. It's quite dark in there, and I'm not the bravest person I know.

"I know what you're feeling right now." Eagleator said. "I'd be as terrified as you are if I were the one who ran, or flew in there- especially when I have to deal with scary flora, vicious fauna, and unsympathetic weather changes- if there're any of these, of course. You wanna go in there, bro?"

"Well..." I hesitated. "Okay then... but you have to go in there with me."

"Well, fine." Eagleator replied. "I'll be right by your side when you need me, okay?"

"Okay, thanks, bro, you're the best!" I smiled as Eaglelator replied with a "You're welcome, bro".

The both of us continued with our search for Lil' Joy. I was confident all of a sudden- but at the same time, I felt something's just isn't right...

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now