Eagleator sighed a little.

I was all ears.

"Well, when I was still a young kiddo, I lived with my 'parents'. My 'dad''s a crow, and my 'mom''s a raven. Apparently, they're thieves and they steal almost anything- which included me. I eventually realised that and I was outraged. I was about five to six years old when I decided to rob my 'parents' and leave that place at once. I threatened them to use a fake name if the police knew about it, or else I'll violently torture them. As soon as I left, they decided to called the police. But, they hesitated, since I brought along a knife with me as I left. So, they did as told. They used a fake name- 'Lil' Joy' as they reported the case. I ran into Mystic Woods, holding about two bags of cash and a knife. I then realised that I dropped some money. As I decided to go and retrieve them, something kinda retrieved them for me- a deadly man-eating plant, the one we encountered earlier. I took the money and I flew away as fast as my little wings could carry me. Then, something chased after me along with the plant- the flying chameleon that we had also encountered earlier. I was horrified. I flew faster as rain started to pour. I eventually managed to escape the both of them as I reached the Action Forest. I don't even know how I ended up there. I decided to stay there since then. Somehow, I managed to survive for a long time, and build myself a house many years later. One day, I decided to train to fight. I found Sensei Falcomodo, and that's when I found you."

"Oh yeah," I remembered as I said. "I was about to sign up for the training while you came."

"Exactly." Eagleator agreed.

"Why did you wanna train to fight?" I asked him. 

"To be honest, I wanted to be the best fighter in the whole wide world, and I wanna win all the time- so that one day, I could turn up at those thieves' house and beat them up, and I guarantee that I could win. I really am a major jerk, huh?"

"Well, not am- were." I replied. "I know you've changed, Eagleator- and I understand your situation. You feelin' better now, bro?"

"A lot better!" Eagleator replied. "Bros- again?"

"Bros again!" I replied as we gave each other a fist bump.

Joy looked at us with a smile. She was very proud of us.

"Hey, Hawko," she called me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Well...umm... are your parents okay? Do they live here in Flightsville?" She asked.

"Yeah, and yep. What about it?" I asked her.

"Well, I was thinking- how about let's go to your place for tea? I'd love to meet your family." Joy suggested.

"Well sure!" I agreed. "You okay with that, bro?"

"Sure, why not?" Eagleator replied as the three of us headed towards my parents' place.

As soon as we got there, I knocked at the door. A little later, my mom came and opened it.

"Roger, you're back!" Mom exclaimed. "How's the investigation going?"

"Great!" I replied. "Mom, meet my friends- Joy, and Eason."

"Oh, hello-" she stopped as she saw Eagleator.

"It- it can't be..." She looked quite shocked. "Hunter darling, come quick!"

Dad came as soon as mom called him. The both of them cried happy tears as soon as they saw Eagleator.

Eagleator was quite confused.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"We finally found you..." Dad exclaimed with joy. "Our long lost son!"

The three of us gawked with surprise and disbelief as Eaglelator and I looked at each other in the eyes.

"Does that mean..." I said. "...that you're my long lost twin brother all along?!?"

*to be continued at the next chapter*

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now