17- Extra Chapter!

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The very next day, everybody gathered around for breakfast at the most well-known dessert shop of the Unikingdom. We didn't get to go there while we were investigating Master Frown's crush case.

Oh yes, the place serves all meals. No wonder it's so famous...

We told them everything we know- including the family feud between my family and the Feathersons, and the real Lil' Joy, which is Eagleator. And we were explaining about the real case- as well as Eagleator's backstory.

The Princess was severely shook.

"WHAT?!?" She shrieked. "You lied to the n-"

"Shhh, Princess," I hastily put a finger on her lips as I whispered. "They're other people here..."

"Sorry Unikitty..." Eagleator apologised. "I was just too nervous to reveal myself as 'Lil' Joy'. It's quite embarrassing..."

"I understand him though." Joy continued. "Well, thanks to his promising artwork of 'Lil' Joy', a.k.a.- me in disguise, the reporters are all fooled!"

"And you agreed with this?" asked Richard with a speechless look.

"Heh heh, yeah..." Joy said, awkwardly scratching her head. "So, Eagleator."

"Yes?" Eagleator asked.

"What're you going to do with the money you and your brother got?" She asked.

"We were still thinking about it." Eagleator replied. "But I've decided about something. Your Highness."

"Yes?" Unikitty asked, looking slightly discomforted.

"Do you...well...need another Royal bodyguard?" Eagleator asked. "Nothing, I'm just curious..."

I gasped. Could it be-

I could work along with my bro?

Unikitty thought for a while as Eagleator and I smiled at each other, looking forward to her answer.

A little while later, she finally replied.


Eagleator and I looked at her, saddened.


"What the heck, Unikitty?!?" I was severely shook. "You know how disappointed we were bef-"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Everybody, including Eagleator, laughed along with the Princess as I just sat there, with an awkward look.

"Oh come on, bro!" Eagleator, who was still laughing, put a hand on my shoulder and tried to calm me down. "Don't be too serious!"

"Well, okay then... Naughty little Princess!" I smiled at everyone before I started laughing along with them.

Well, this is us! We can be serious at times, but this doesn't mean we couldn't have fun!

"Hey," Puppycorn spoke. "Y'all heard about the new video game coming out this week?"

"Oh! You mean Road Trip Racers?" Joy asked to make sure.

"Yeah!" Puppycorn replied excitedly. "You read my mind!"

"Wow, I can't believe you knew about this!" Brock exclaimed. "I thought-"

"You thought I wasn't the type of person who'd love video games?" Joy asked.

"Yeah!" Brock agreed. "You just read my mind as well!"

"Hee hee!" Joy giggled as Brock started blushing. "Wait a minute, you look pretty familiar- are you BrockRocks93?"

Joy's sudden question surprised Brock, in a good way.

"Well yeah! I'm THE Brock!" Brock exclaimed.

"Cool!" Joy clapped her paws as Brock blushed even more.

"Well, if you're okay with it, could you maybe...join in an episode of BrockRocksGaming? It's a fan fave..." Brock asked nervously.

"Sure! Why not?" Joy exclaimed as Brock just smiled and blushed.

My Fox Girl and I smiled and looked at each other, along with Unikitty and Master Frown.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked both my Fox Girl and Eagleator with a wink.

"Eeyup!" They both agreed as they winked back.

The End!
Hope y'all liked the story! X3

Oh! I almost forgot!
Here's a drawing of my OCs in this story:

Oh! I almost forgot!Here's a drawing of my OCs in this story:

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[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now