Could it be?

Could she be the one we're looking for?

Could she be-

...Lil' Joy?

"Hi, ma'am..." I greeted her nervously. "Uhh... I am Roger Fethry Crocker, and this is my friend, Eason Allidor Gator. We- we... we mean no harm, and... we were just passing by..."

"Yeah yeah yeah!" Eagleator agreed. "Well, uh... Joy, umm... can I have your number?"

"WHAT THE HECK, BRO?!?" I shouted at him with surprise.


The she-wolf laughed uncontrollably at us as Eagleator blushed with embarrassment.

"You guys are hilarious!" she exclaimed. "Oh boy... WOW! It's been awhile since I've met such entertaining guys like the both of you!"

We giggled a little. She isn't that bad.

"Oh wow..." Joy appeared to be still laughing. "How should I call you two? Umm... Roger and Eason?"

"Call me Hawkodile, everybody does!" I replied.

"Call me Eagleator." My bro continued. "Call me anything you like~"

"Oh sure!" Joy replied as she loosened the rope. "Well, come on, I'd like to show you around this magical place!"

Joy took us to a tour around the forest. It really is actually a magical place.

"It's called Mystic Woods for some reason you both should know." Joy explained. "So, what brings you both here?"

"You see, Joy, Eagleator and I were investigating a case, and we thought..." I stammered.

"You thought..." Joy questioned.

"We thought you were the one we're looking for." Eagleator replied as he gave Joy a sheet of newspaper. Joy read it with confusion.

"So you guys thought I was, well... 'Lil' Joy'?" Joy questioned us. "Because of the name?"

"Mostly, yeah..." I admitted.

"Well, first of all," Joy replied as she gave the papers back to Eagleator. "I don't have a home. I live here in the Mystic Woods. Secondly, I'm an orphan. My parents died in a fire at my old home while I was outside playing. So, I found this place and made it my forever home. And thirdly, I never heard of this case. So, I'm not... who're they again? Oh, Lil' Joy."

"Geez, that's a total disappointment." Eagleator sighed. "Knew that kiddo wouldn't stay in such a scary place."

"And how are you so sure about this?" I asked Eagleator in a sudden.

"What do you mean?" Eagleator asked, as both he and Joy looked at me, puzzled.

[COMPLETED]- Hawkodile And Eagleator- The Search For A Long Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now