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I knew sign language. I slowly approached her and told her that she was really brave and I would never be able to do that. She thanked me,and told me that she would love to be friends. How could I say no? I finally had a friend to "talk" to except for my journal! So we just got up and she told me how the other kids aways teased her because she couldn't speak and how they made fun of the sign language by making rude signs with their hands. She told me that she was going to get a surgery soon to make her ears work-maybe just a little bit. She was a kind,honest and good friend,we ate together that day.

So that's the story of how I met Annie Winsterfield,my only true friend in Chesterfield High School. Let me describe her a bit;Annie was a very,very pretty girl unlike me. She had long,thick eyelashes and a cute little button nose in the middle of her face. She had very long hair,too. Her hair was black,straight and always looked perfect,while I had short,scrabbly chestnut-ish brown hair,grey-blue eyes,short eyelashes and a VERY pale skin.She preferred comfy clothing to shorts and mini dresses.She loved writing,just like me. What more could I ask for? She was my secret keeper,my buddy,my only friend. For the next weeks,we bonded a lot and I trusted her even more. We were like normal schoolgirls,two mute schoolgirls...

Until that day.

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