12/23/18 - 2019 Judges and Holiday Compliment Drop Box

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Hi, everyone! Before announcing a little holiday activity, I want to congratulate the following individuals on becoming our judges for PWA 2019!

blue___22 (Romance, Miscellaneous)

BlueSapphire718 (One Shot)

CoordinatorIza (Short Story, Romance) *CATEGORY LEADER FOR SHORT STORY*

Cora-chan (Romance, Miscellaneous)

DI_Gremlin (Short Story)

Dictator-Chan (Short Story, Adventure) *CATEGORY LEADER FOR ADVENTURE*

Dragons_Rose (One Shot, Romance, Miscellaneous) *CATEGORY LEADER FOR MISCELLANEOUS*

EeveelutionBrandi (Miscellaneous)

gofishstories (Adventure, Romance)

irideae (Adventure, Romance)

LunaRowlet (One Shot, Short Story, Adventure, Miscellaneous)

NaivEevee (Romance)

PumpknHead (One Shot, Short Story) *CATEGORY LEADER FOR ONE SHOT*

RedPandaWorld (One Shot, Short Story)

RoyaltyGamer (One Shot, Miscellaneous)

SubconsiousVillainy (Adventure, Romance Miscellaneous)

UnisonRaider (One Shot, Adventure, Romance) *CATEGORY LEADER FOR ROMANCE*

We have plenty of judges for each category, so hopefully, we won't have a judge crisis this year. Sheare is being reserved for emergency situations.

But for the holidays this year, inspired by d_s_t_e's idea, we will be doing a compliment drop box for community members! You can anonymously say positive things about ANYONE in the community, and we will collect every entry and post them in a chapter on Christmas day!

Link to the drop box will be posted via an in-line comment on this line.

Make sure to compliment your favorites authors, friends, or those that have helped you in the community! And you know what they say...the more the merrier!

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