Hobi's DM

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Tell me honestly

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Tell me honestly.
You're actually working
with Rosé right?
If you do then good
for you dude. 😎

Yeah I am.

Ay, what's with the change of heart?
She persuaded you good huh? 😏

I don't know.

Don't know?
Or you don't want to share?
I know you bruh 👀
Stubbornness is a part of you

 Shut up.

Oh~ Don't worry.
As much of an asshole I am
I can keep a secret. 🤐

Yeah right.
Like you think I forgot about
that night in Japan.

Dude I was drunk remember?
I'm a lightweight.

Forget it.
You're a hoe

Well they don't call me
HOEseok for nothing bruh💃


Be honest with me


You like her huh?
You didn't block her fan pages from
commenting on your posts

What's wrong with that?

Well the last time I
annoyed you just a bit...
I was blocked for two months.

You deserved that to be honest.
I would've extend it to two years
so consider yourself lucky.

Alright, put that all aside
but now just be serious
and be honest

What is it now

Rosie's a nice woman.
Am I right?

Yeah, she is indeed

Don't you think it's time 
for you to step your life up?

What's that suppose to mean?

You know what I mean.
I always tell Rosie that
whoever's going to date her
will be the luckiest man alive.

Then why didn't you date her?

Because my feelings for her
are nothing more than just
of friendships.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, fair enough.

But what about yours?

My what?

Feelings for Rosie.
I know you have it.

𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐞 & 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐞 | 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now