New Post #49

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"Alright lads, help yourselves out, pizzas and beers on me no problem" Said an excited Jung Hoseok who's opening cans of beer by his table for his friends non other than the model and photographer couple.

"What's the occasion really dude? I mean it's passed your birthday already" A confused Kim Taehyung asked while the model, Rosie, already munching on a slice of the pizza with her usual humming around food.

"Nothing particularly man, well except for one thing, but mind that later, come on eat up before it gets cold" Hoseok pushed a box closer to Taehyung.

"Eat up, the cheese's so good I swear to god" Rosie whispered rather jokingly dramatic. Then handing a piece to her boyfriend.

"Aww look at these two being all cute and sweet right in front of me, in my house" Hoseok chuckles in a teasing manner. "...So cringe" He shuddered his shoulders jokingly.

"You'll do these kind of stuffs when you're with a woman alright" Rosie shot a glare at her friend before taking a sip of a can of beer.

"...or man if you're gay." Taehyung blurted out as he's chewing his food.

"Which is why I'm not even thinking of getting myself a partner as I still want to enjoy my life to myself for now" Hoseok countered with a shrug.

"Dude you just said partner, does that mean there's a possibility that you're gay for rea-"

"Shut the hell up or my foot will be up in your ass in a moment" Hoseok hold his foot up with a grumpy expression on his face, making the two shared a laugh.

"Alright put both of your childishness aside, what's the reason you called us here actually?" Rosie asked rather seriously. "...If it's not because of you got yourself a partner then what is?"

"I quit my job" Hoseok answered rather calmly after taking a big sip of his beer.

...Taehyung and Rosie.... didn't take his statement calmly...

"Okay what the hell dude!?" Taehyung's tone turned serious. "...A job that gave you 3k a month? You're joking right?"

"No I'm not joking, well not that I quit unplanned. I've planned everything out already and that is why I'm asked you two to be here to discuss something with me" Hoseok's answered back calmly.

"What is it?" Rosie asked calmly as well.

"Well with Yoongi and Namjoon already got their hands on the music label contract, I've been thinking about opening a label of my own. A modelling label. And I want you two to be a part of it." 

"Go on... I'm listening" Taehyung leaned his body forward with his hands rested under his chin.

"...The proposal's been process, the building's arrangement seems to be in green light and hopefully by next month or two, I'll get to kick start the label straight away."

"...Look, it's not that I'm forcing both of you, but think of this as a stepping stone for you two, everyone knows you both. Rosie's already a well known model in the country while you're a model on the rise as well."

"You know it's not just you and us, you're going to need employees and stuffs, cameraman and other model to join you or else you're going to hit rock bottom in no time..."

"I'll figure things out Rosie, I promise you two." 

"So what do you think?" Taehyung placed his hand on hers. "...I mean we've always talked about this for a while now and if I were you, I'd join someone I know close rather than joining a stranger."

Rosie just remained in silent but he knew deep down she's thinking her heart out with the expression on her face.

After a few brief moments, she heaved a light sigh. "Alright, we'll join you and hopefully everything's going to be just fine."

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