New Post #21

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The dim ray of sunlight shining through the curtains of the room, greets his closed eyes and slowly his eyelids lift open and a blurry image of the ceiling is the first thing he sees.

Blinking his eyes a few times to regain his vision, he tries to move his body a bit before feeling a something wrapped around him and then he realizes.

A light smile forms on his lips immediately as he looks down to see a sleeping Rosie laying comfortably next to him with her arm around him and her face covered by her hair.

Searching for his phone, he fetches it as he sees it by the drawer next to her bed and light his screen up to realize that his sister's been calling him.

12 times and a couple of texts of 'Where are you?'

Probably his habit of putting his phone on silent mode when he's out is the one to blame here.

"What's wrong?" A low soft yet hoarse voice greets his ears so he looks down to see her looking at him with her eyes half opened and her face partly covered with her hair.

He smiles before shaking his head. "Nothing, it's my sister" He whispers and she just nods her head before laying it back, this time on his chest with her arm wraps back around him.

"What time is it?" She asks and he looks at his screen. "7.28 am" He answers.

"Cafe's not open yet..." She murmurs and he just chuckles silently.

"If you want to go to the cafe after this then I need to go home and get change first" He says as he's caressing her hair gently and she sighs silently before pouting.

"Now?" She whines as she looks up to him and he just nods his head. "My sister's probably waiting for me back home."

Obliging with his reason, Rosie and Taehyung climbs off the bed and she pulls her curtains open, letting the sunlight shining her room.

"Here, your jacket" She fetches his leather jacket by the chair and hands it to him. "Thanks" He says as he's wearing it straight away.

Getting his car keys, Taehyung eventually reaches his car parked at her front yard with Rosie followed him from behind.

"I'll pick you up at 8.30 okay?" He says as he casually wraps his arms around her gently and she reaches her arms around his neck as she chuckles.

"You don't have to rush you know? 9.30 sounds fine" She suggests as she's pinching his cheek softly.

"9.30 it is then" He smiles before she pulls him closer and their lips meet and they share a soft kiss. 

"I love you" She whispers and he gives her another soft peck. "I love you too"

Getting the kiss they wanted, Taehyung gets into his car, started his engine before he drives to the entrance of her house as he's waving his hand back her who's waving at him while standing at her spot.

Getting the kiss they wanted, Taehyung gets into his car, started his engine before he drives to the entrance of her house as he's waving his hand back her who's waving at him while standing at her spot

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