New Post #29

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"We're not going to be travelling far for your photo shoot today" Says Taehyung as he's prepping his cameras and his equipment into its respective bags.

"Well where exactly do you have in mind?" Asks Rosie who's sitting on his bed, already in a one piece black dress for he photo shoot and her make-up done along with her hair.

"Just at the playground area down there" He answers her as he's zipping his bag before swinging it over his shoulder. "I've been looking at the place for a while now and I think it's a great spot to do a photo shoot at."

"And today's Tuesday so... probably not many kids are playing there and hopefully all goes well" Taehyung sits down next to her and she just rest her head on his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" She whispers at him.

"What is it?" He scoots closer to her as his arm gently wraps around her.

"Do you think I should join a company...?" She asks rather hesitantly and left him confused.

"I thought you're not thinking of joining one at the moment?" He looks down at her who's still resting her head on him while her fingers fidgeting.

"I know... it's just... maybe you're right about the thing you said the first time we met. Maybe that's what I need so that I can achieve my dream." She whispers at him, guilt faintly fills her voice.

"But is that what you really want Rosie?" He asks her back calmly and surprisingly it left her silent with only a sigh and her arms wrapped around him.

"I understand that you want to achieve your dream but doing something that you're not convinced that you're going to enjoy it... sometimes makes it even harder to chase your dream that it already is"

"Come on, look at me..." He cups her cheek gently, face to face with her and their eyes met. "...Whatever happens, I'm here to help you reach your dream. Our hard work up to this point will pays off. I promise you"

"I want to kiss you but your lips would be stained with my lipstick" She chuckles and he pinches her nose gently with a snicker. "Save it for later. Come on, let's go do the things we love most"

"What's with this bouquet of flowers?" She chuckles as Taehyung comes back after a bit while with a bouquet of flowers beautifully wrapped

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"What's with this bouquet of flowers?" She chuckles as Taehyung comes back after a bit while with a bouquet of flowers beautifully wrapped.

"Roses for Rosie" Is his simple answer for her before he just goes straight in setting his camera up.

Hearing her response causes her cheeks to flush in redness, thankfully her make-up is there to cover it.

With all his equipment thoroughly set up, another person is fast approaching the two.

"Am I interrupting~" The cheerful voice of Taehyung's sister, Sejeong, greets the two as she's standing right next to her brother.

"Have you locked the doors before coming here?" Taehyung asks his sister and she just rolls her eyes lightly. "Our door is automatically locked upon closing remember?" She scrunches her nose.

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