Rosé's DM

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"So, the photo shoot? Is it confirmed yet?" Hoseok asks his friend as soon as he comes back from his room, carrying his camera bag.

"Confirmed? Yes. But still working on the actual date." Taehyung answers him as he's sitting back at the couch by the living room.

"Well in that case, let's celebrate for it then" Hoseok says with his usual high pitch voice as he's opening two cans of beer placed on the table before placing one in front of Taehyung.

"If you're drunk later on, I'll kick you out." Taehyung warns his friend by pointing his finger at him. "I'm not playing."

"Dude, chill. It's just one can and pizzas alright?" Hoseok clarifies before holding his can up. "Come on, bring it down"

Heaving a light silent sigh, Taehyung grabs his can and clunks their cans together before taking a light sip while Hoseok takes a heavy gulp.

"Come on, let's eat, let's eat" Hoseok immediately flips the lids of the two boxes of pizzas in front of them. "Help yourself out" He says as he takes a slice and stars eating it.

Taehyung takes a slice and takes a quick bite before placing it on top of his can then immediately diverts his focus on his camera.

"Dude, is that a new camera?" Hoseok realizes the camera Taehyung's holding seems brand new.

"Bought it earlier today" He clarifies as he's working with the lens.

"For the photo shoot huh?" A smirk curves on Hobi's face before he takes another bite.

"I've been wanting to buy a new one for a while already and now seems like the best time to buy one so I did." He explains while looking through the lens. "Besides, it's a photographer's job to keep his acquaintance satisfies"

"Ah I see..." Hoseok whispers rather teasingly. "'re really telling the truth when you said that you have feelings for Rosie"

"I said I'm not sure, I never say I do" Taehyung objects his friend's statement.

"Oh stop it man, it's only you and me here. I know you do. Even if you're shy to admit it yourself." Hobi raise his brows twice. "Oh and rest assured, it's only between you and me" He adds before drinking his beer.

"Whatever man" Taehyung keeps denying what seems to be an obvious truth as he remains playing with his new 'toy'.

"Oh and by the way man." Hoseok immediately says. "One advice. If the date has been picked, take her for a cup of coffee before your photoshoot. She loves it"

"What you always take her for a cup of coffee every day?" Taehyung raises his brow.

"Nope, but I've been with her long enough to know that she always likes it when she has someone to share a cup of coffee with her in the morning. More over if it's a man" Hobi shrugs his shoulders. "You know what I mean"

"We'll see..."


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