New Post #42

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"Do I look okay?" Taehyung's been asking her the question a few times since they left their hotel to head for the fashion show event.

"Trust me, you look amazing" She whispers back at him as she's fixing his collar then brushing his hair to the side slowly.

"It's going to be alright, let's just enjoy this night okay?" She pinches his nose before sharing silent chuckles with him.

The smile that's been curving on his lips for the rest of the ride immediately replaced with silent gulps as the taxi they're in stopped right at the end starting line of the designated red carper that leads into the show room inside the designated building.

"Show time" She whispers at him while clutching her hand with his to calm him down, the two then exit the taxi by each side of the back doors and as expected...

...Cameras flashing every here and there, almost feels like it could blinds you in an instant, but Rosie's already getting used to it while Taehyung is trying his best to keep his calm as he's buttoning his jacket while keeping a serious expression on his face.

Walking over to the other side, Taehyung instantly reaches his arm out before clinging arms with her before with confidence the two makes their way along the red carpet.

Cameras remain flashing all the way until they stand on a specific spot and the flashes doubles for a few brief moments before Taehyung and Rosie go on and into the building they go.

"Wheew if I am to remain there for another minute, think I'll be blind immediately" Taehyung whispers as they're walking towards where the event is and Rosie just chuckles silently. "You did great. Proud of you"

As they reach their destination, a woman holding a microphone suddenly calls out to Rosie and judging by a guy with a camera standing behind the woman, it's definitely a tv reporter.

Attacked with sudden feeling of nervousness and anxiousness, Taehyung just follows a calm and composed Rosie as they're now standing in front of the woman reporter.

"Can we do a quick interview with both of you before the event starts?" The reporter asks politely and with Taehyung not understanding what she's saying, just giving them a light smile while hoping his girl could handle this.

"Sure, we'll do it. No problem" Rosie answers her with calmness.

Once the camera's rolling, the interview starts.

"Welcome back to New York's Lifetime and we're here with one of the rising model in South Korea, Roseanne Park"

"Hello, good evening New York, it's Rosé here and with me here is Vantae" She greets to the camera and Taehyung hearing his name being said immediately raises his hand and waves to the cameras and hopes that he did the right thing.

"So Rosé, after all the fuss and muss, we're finally here at the Coach event, how does it feel to be here as one of the invited guest?"

"Well obviously first and foremost, I felt overwhelmed, overjoyed and filled with happiness, Coach is one of the big brand, big company, big name there is out here and to be personally invited to be here as a guest, I couldn't ask for anything better" Rosie with calm and charisma, easily answers the reporter's question.

"Obviously before getting yourself into this professional modelling career of yours, you've already made a name for yourself in social medias by doing photo shoots and featuring in some ads and also by covering songs yet you're still continuing this career without joining any labels out there that's obviously been attracted to bring you to join them. Is there any particular reason for that?"

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