Chapter 21- Morning Surprises

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*Marinette's POV*

Me and Nino pulled up back to the house first and we went inside.

"So how'd the girls do?" I asked him about shooting

"Pretty good besides Chloe, I thought I was gonna die" Nino replied shivering and I laughed.

Me and Nino went up to my room.

"I really missed hanging out here with you" I sighed

"Same. It feels like it was yesterday when we were have paintball fights with the cops" Nino said and we both laughed.

"I can't believe the cops lost to two 6 year olds" I laughed

"Yeah and the whole town was recording it. Everything was shut down just for us"

"That was awesome, when we didn't care and now it scares me to death on how so many people are after us"

"Same here"

"I will kill every single one of them....even if it means I die"

"You die, I die. We go down together" Nino said and put out his hand like a gun and I did the same. The two fingers that were pointing out and tapped them together, starting a handshake we made up years ago. It means that we will die together in a fight that is extremely important, we will not stop fighting even if we only have our hands to use as guns.

Nino went back to his room to get showered and changed, I did the same.

When I got out of the shower I was tired as hell. I just put on my grey Calvin Klein bra and thong since I was on the verge of collapsing. I got under the covers and snuggled into the pillows a slowly drifted off to sleep as I heard the front door open.


*Adrien's POV*

When we got back to Mari's house we assumed that they were already there and we were right. We saw their motorcycles out front as we walked in.

It was easy to say that we were all tired. We saw Nino in navy blue sweatpants and that was it, going up the stairs.

"Mari's asleep and I'm about to be too so do whatever" he said groggily and went up the stairs.

We all went up the stairs after him and into our own rooms. I was all sweaty so I took a shower.

After my shower I got dressed in just gray sweatpants. I missed Mari so I went across the hall and into her room. The hall was silent, I guess everyone was asleep. When I entered Mari's room, the sun was setting and my jaw dropped. It was my first time seeing her room and holy shit it was awesome.

"Holy shit" I mouthed

As I was walking I stopped dead in my tracks, doing a doubletake to my right

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As I was walking I stopped dead in my tracks, doing a doubletake to my right.

"There's a fucking kitchen in her room......." I whispered not believing my eyes, "What?"

" I whispered not believing my eyes, "What?"

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I continued my walk towards Mari's bed. When I got there I pulled the covers down and I felt my face heat up.

She was only wearing a bra and thong. Damn she looked good- not the time!!

It's always the time!! She's your girl!!

Yeah you're right!!

Damnnnn!! Her body is and with her tattoos that just make her even more irresistable.

I slowly got under the covers next to her and covered us up. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body right up against mine. I snuggled into her and I felt her wrap her arms and legs around me so we were all tangled together. I pulled her even closer and held her tightly in my arms as we both snuggled into each other.

She's soooo cuddly!!

I fell asleep in seconds while holding my princess in my arms........


*Marinette's POV*

I woke up with the sun in my eyes so I buried my head into my.....pillow? Why is my pillow warm? And breathing?

I looked up and saw Adrien? When did he get in here?


Wait....oh god. Adrien's underneath me so that means I'm straddling him

I softly groaned and placed my head on his bare chest..........


I got up slowly after a couple minutes because I couldn't go back to sleep. It took me awhile to get out of Adrien's grasp but I did.

I went into the bathroom with my clothes and got changed........

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Adrien was asleep so I did what any girl would do

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I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Adrien was asleep so I did what any girl would do.........I took a picture.

"Wow no one can see his bedhead, they'd immediately know he's Chat" I whisper laughed

I took a couple more pictures and walked out my room. I went through the silent halls to get downstairs.

"Huh I guess no one's up" I said to thin air while walking into the kitchen.

I got some coffee and went out on the balcony and sat there listening to mother nature......


I look down and saw red....shit....


AHAHAHAHAHAHA I love you guys too!! Byeeeeee :)

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