Chapter 48- Busted

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*Marinette's POV*

After my shock died down I sat down slowly on the barstool. I watched in awe as she cleaned up the mess I made with a rag and broom.

After she cleaned up my mess, she sat down across from me and chuckled.

"You can eat Mari" she chuckled

"You're alive" I whispered in shock

"Never died"


"Long story short, I left because I was a spy and my identity got out. They wanted to kill my whole family and I couldn't let that happen."

"Wow, but why didn't you go back? Surely they're dead right?" I asked in confusion

Everyone misses her, including her family

"They are, but my life here took off and people back at home still could've been after me. Plus I had to protect the Queen to get her help" she said with a wink

"Wait what?" I said and 8 of MY body guards walked in

I stared at them with my mouth open. How- wh- when? They knew she was here this whole time?!?!

"They were your guards in the castle during your coronation. You see, the people who were after me were after you since you are close with my son-" she said with a raised brow and my face dusted over in pink as I chuckled nevously. She leaned towards my ear whispered something with a wink and my jaw dropped as everyone laughed

"Okay now what I was saying was that we found out that there were gonna be sniper there at your coronation. We made sure to track them so just incase you didn't see them, we would've shot them before they got to you" she finished

"Oh my god, you did all that for me? Wow, thank you" I said and hugged her

Now I see where he gets his pure heart of gold from

"No problem future-" she started

"Don't" I smiled

"But-" she pouted

"Why do you need my help?" I asked, remembering what she said

"Oh yes, I need your help for Christmas since it's so soon. I want to go back home so I was thinking.........."

She's going back to...........*screams*

They are going to be so shocked and so happy!!


After we got done planning what we were gonna do for Christmas, my mind shot to Paris.....that faker.

I got all my guards ready and on the jet with me. We were heading to Paris for an emergency fun. I just hope that they didn't need Ladybug or else that would've been bad.


We got to Paris and to my luck, it was school time. Whoever was posing as me would be in school so it made it easier for me to track her down.

I had a gun in my hand and I stomped out of the airport and to my car. I was pissed for one main reason........if that little bitch KISSED MY FUTURE KING THEN I WOULD PERSONALLY RIP-

"We are at your school Marinette" the driver said and me and my guards piled out of the car.

They all knew to stay behind me because I was pissed and would probably shoot them if they tried to walk infront of me, even just to hold the door open. I was wearing.......

With my gun gripped tightly in my right hand because of anger, I stomped up the stairs

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With my gun gripped tightly in my right hand because of anger, I stomped up the stairs. The bell just rang so everyone was just getting into class and Miss. B probably wasn't in the room yet.

I stomped all the way up to Miss. B's room, my heels echoing through the school.


*Adrien's POV*

All of us were talking in class but went quiet when we heard loud stomps.........

"Sounds like someone is mad" Alya said, her arm around Nino while mine was around Mari.


*Marinette's POV*

I got to Miss. B's room just after she walked in. The door shut and I walked up to it and kicked it open. The door fell of it's hindges and hit the floor with a thud as everyone in the class screamed.

I stormed in the room with my gun up and pointed it right where "I" was.....*grinds teeth* with Adrien's arm around "me".

"Get the fuck away from my kitty you little slut!!" I roared, ready to shoot this girl.

The shock was clear on everyone's face. Everyone looked at the fake me in shock and Adrien backed away like he was going in for a kiss only to find Chloe in front of him.

"Who are you?!?" Adrien sputtered out in shock at "me" and moved towards a shocked Alya and an 'I knew it' looking Nino.

Fake me rolled her eyes and yanked off her midnight blue haired wig while pulling out her gun and aiming it at me.

"Bitch" I growled and shot her in the leg without hesitation.

The gunshot echoed through the room but the scream of pain she let out was louder. She fell to the floor, dropping her gun to clutch her leg.

"Now lemme kill this bitch" I growled and threw my gun on the ground.

I tried to take a step forward to choke the faker to death but I was picked up off the ground and walked out of the room. That didn't stop me tho........

"Let me kill her!! She touched MY KING!!! No one can touch him but ME!!" I screamed as I tried to get out of the person's grip and got dragged out into the hallway.

The person finally let me go and I was face to face with Nino.

No fucking surprise there..........


Do you have any guesses to who Mari was with at the beginning of the chapter? I think you should figure it out by now.

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