Chapter 61: Calm Silence

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*Marinette's POV*

I noticed a bright pink and orange light at the water's surface. I swam up and squinted my eyes at the bright pink and orange sky.

I had been swimming for hours.

After my eyes adjusted I moved towards the edge of the pool, propping myself up on the edge. I stared at the sunrise and listened to the calm silence that flooded around me.

I looked at the scenery down below me and saw a thick layer of snow across the ground. It was beautiful.

I heard movement from inside the house but I didn't bother to move, it was most likely the guards switching shifts and the maids and butlers waking up.

I breathed out slowly, fog coming out of my mouth. I kept staring at the sky, watching it change colors until someone spoke.

"Miss Marinette?" A woman's voice spoke softly

I softly turned around and saw Margo, one of the maids.

"Yes?" I asked

"Aren't you cold dear? It's very cold out here" she said while hugging her fur coat

"No, the water is keeping me warm"

"How long have you been up?"

"Since 2"

Her eyes went wide as she blinked in shock, "Oh my, it's 7:30"

"Wow, I've been out here for a while"

"How are you feeling?"

"Weirdly calm. I remember everything that happened doesn't bother me. I'm calm, no anger, no sadness, I'm just...numb, in a calm way" I said, trying to find the right words

"Well that's...good I guess. Normally that's not what happens but I'm glad you feel better"

"Thanks, I do too" I smiled softly

"Would you like me to bring out a heater with your towels?"

"Yes please"

"Alright, I'll be right back" she said

"Thank you" I said

"You're welcome" she said and hurriedly walked back inside.

This feeling is nice. No stress, no worries, no Hawkmoth, no nothing to feel besides calmness. I wish my life was more like this.

As the sun glowed red in the sky, turning yellow quickly, I pushed myself onto my back and floated there. The cold air flowed over my stomach and legs, making a nice feeling go through me, the warm water and cold air mixing.

There was no sound, only the water dancing with the light wind. I about fell asleep listening to my breathing and the water moving, it was strangely calming to me, like a lullaby.


After a while of floating in water, I woke up. That was pretty interesting since I forgot I was in a pool, and it was snowing. I had a layer of snow on me as the pool was surrounded with snow. I got out of the pool and got a towel that was hot.

"Ouch ouch ouch" I said over and over again

I'm surprised this thing isn't on fire. Or maybe I'm just cold.

I open the back door and walked into the castle. I was walking as I was drying off my hair so yes, I was walking around in my bra and underwear but oh well.

"What time is it?" I yawned to a guard who wasn't fazed by my appearance

"9, it's nice to see you up and moving Marinette. How are you feeling?" He asked

Everyone here knows that I don't like being called by 'Miss' or 'My Queen' it's weird because these people are my family more than a robot who works for me 24/7.


He chuckled, "I bet, you just came in from it snowing. Should I call someone to bring heaters up to your room?"

"Nah, Imma go eat breakfast first"

"Uhm, without...clothes?" He asked

I looked down and back at him, "You know it doesn't bother me. Plus I'm more hungry than I am worried about someone seeing me in my bra and underwear. Toodles!" I said and waved behind me

"Toodles!" He laughed

My towel was soaked from drying my hair and wasn't warm so I tossed it on a guard that was walking by. He was shocked but just shook his head while chucking, muttering, "It's nice to have you back"

You could easily say my behavior around here isn't strict whatsoever and I just do whatever whenever.

I walked towards the dining room, hearing my class and their parents talking.

Ramming the door open I screamed, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

Everyone jumped, dropping what they had and some even screamed. Every head was whipped towards me and their eyes went wide.

I laughed weirdly but stopped, "Oh is that bacon?" I asked and no one responded because the guys were shielding their eyes

I hopped on my tiptoes weirdly over to the table and grabbed a handful of bacon.

"Really?" My mom asked while rolling her eyes as my dad chuckled

"What?," I mumbled with my mouth stuffed with bacon, "You guys can open your eyes"

The guys slowly opened their eyes, making sure not to look at me.

"Why aren't you wearing clothes?" My mom sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose

"Cuz they're buried under a foot of snow and my towel is soaked" I said while getting more bacon, Adrien's face going red since I was next to him.

"Why would your clothes be under snow?" My mom asked, bewildered

"Cuz I've been in the pool since 4:30 in the morning" I casually replied

"And you didn't think to tell someone you were awake or I don't know, not go outside?!" She asked like I was crazy.

"I'm pretty sure no one wants to be woken up that early and I got bored in the shooting range" I replied while drinking Adrien's orange juice

"Shooting range?!," my mother exclaimed, "Oh my god" She muttered while shaking her head causing me to laugh

"You know I'm a crazy person"

"You still surprise me" my mom sighed and I laughed

"Good morning peeps" I said to everyone and pecked Adrien's cheek, "Sorry, I keep eating your food" I smiled

"It's fine princess, I'd rather you eat my food instead of waiting. How are you feeling?" He asked

"Good," I said but then I felt something, "PEE!!," I screamed and everyone flinched, "I HAVE TO PEE MOVE OUTTA MY WAY" I screamed as I ran out the door.


Honestly if this isn't me...

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