Chapter 63- Hickeys

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                             're welcome :)

*Marinette's POV*

"Mari Mari Mari Mari" someone repeated obnoxiously while poking my side.

My hand quickly flew to theirs and gripped them tightly, earning a whine of pain from my stalker.

"Mari!" The person whined and I immediately knew who it was.

Nino. The only person brave enough to wake me up like that.

I sat up with his wrist tightly gripped in my claws. I was clearly pissed of by my bitch face and the stares we were getting. I slowly looked down at Nino who was crouched down by the couch I was asleep on.

"Hi" he said cheekily like a five year old and I rose my brow.

In one swift movement, I flung his hand back, making him punch himself in the nose. His head jolted back as everyone cringed. He let out a groan, falling backwards onto the ground while holding onto his nose.

"Why do you like to hurt my boyfriend?!" Alya yelped while running into the room from the kitchen, an ice pack in hand.

We were on my jet back to Paris, all of us hating that we had to leave China. I don't know what time it was but I knew that we weren't on the ground so Nino had no reason to wake me.

"Because he's the only one who's brave enough to annoy me and wake me up from my sleep" I said while rubbing my eyes.

Alya shook her head and my eyes fell on Adrien who was in the next room talking with his mother. Gabriel was back at his house in Paris now, leaving China before we did. He didn't go straight to a jail in Paris because he was revealed in China, not Paris. The world doesn't know who Hawkmoth was and it might stay that way; so Gabriel randomly going to jail would add too much drama.

Don't do it. He's busy with his mother. Don't ruin it.

I obviously ignored my inner voice and got up, wrapping my soft, fluffy, light pink blanket around me. I waddled over into the room he was in, still half asleep, and gained the attention of the two lookalikes.

"Oh hey puuurincess" Adrien said

I just mumbled in response before sitting on his lap and hugging him. My blanket wrapped around both of us as I held onto the warm, beautiful, flirtatious, dork. I nuzzled my face into the crook and squished our bodies together as Emilie awed at my actions.

"You guys are so cute" she cried dramatically

"We know" Adrien answered for us and I smiled against his neck, my lips grazing his skin.

"I'll leave so you two can make out, bye cutie pies!" Emilie gushed

"Mom!" Adrien exclaimed as she laughed, closing the door behind us.

I chuckled lightly before slowly kissing his neck. He froze at my actions which caused me to smile and kiss his neck again.

"I'm glad she got the hint" I whispered in his ear, playing along with what Emilie said.

I originally planned on falling asleep again but hey, making out with Adrien is better than sleep.

I saw the tint of red spread across his skin and I smirked. I was totally gonna rip this kid to pieces and it's gonna be hilarious thinking that this flirting bitch thinks he's got shit on me.

My right hand slowly made its way to his neck and softly held it. I felt Adrien's hands slide up my thighs and to my waist as I grazed his neck with my lips, teasing him. I slowly lifted my lips off his neck, breathing softly on his soft skin. I slowly leaned in and kissed his neck. I took my sweet time to kiss up his neck and find his sweet spot under his ear. I slowly placed my lips on his sweet spot and kissed it then sucked on it which earned me a soft moan that came from Adrien's mouth.

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