Chapter 22- No....

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*Adrien's POV*


I shot up at the sound of gunshots and ran to the door. I flung it open only to met with everyone else in the hallway.

"What hell?!" everyone shouted

"Where's Mari?" Alya asked

"WHAT!?!" Nino screamed and threw me out of the room.

I slammed into the wall as others gasped.

"NINO!!" Alya shouted

"WHERE THE HELL IS MARINETTE?!?" Nino screamed while running around her room.

"Chill she's prolly downstairs" Chloe said

Nino almost fell, he ran so fast to the doorframe.


"Downstairs?" Chloe said annoyed

Nino's eyes went wide

"Nino are you okay?" Kim asked

"No, today can't be the day. Never. No NO MARINETTE!!!" Nino rambled then screamed while getting out his gun and running down the hall, pushing everyone to the side.

"What do you mean? Nino!! Is Mari okay?" I screamed and ran after him. Everyone followed, screaming.

"MARI!?! MARI!?!" Nino kept screaming

We saw Nino run towards the balcony door and we followed. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?" we heard him yell

We went out to the balcony, which was huge by the way, and saw something that I wish I could forget.



*Marinette's POV*

To all of those people who thought I was dead....oh hell no!!!

When the gunshots went off I did get shot but I hardly felt it. I acted like he killed me and fell to the ground but I was actually getting a hidden sniper rifle. After I loaded it I got up and easily found the sniper getting down from his hiding spot. I shot him in the head and watched him fall down the tree he was hiding in.

I casually put the sniped down on my chair and grabbed the first aid kit. I sat down on the balcony railing and took off my plaid shirt and black tank top, throwing them on the floor. I then got started on cleaning my bullet wounds.

Ah shit, one's in me

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?" Nino yelled, throwing open the balcony door. Right after him came the entire class staring at me with horror and shock.

"Jeez yell a bit louder next time maybe I'll fall over the edge" I said in a bored tone

"I thought they killed you!!" Nino yelled

"Nah, he was a newbie. He only grazed and shot me in the stomach" I said like it was nothing, which it was.

"Just shot you in the stomach? Just being shot at is too far!!" Nino yelled, furious

The class all stared at him in fear. Oh yeah, they have never seen him this mad.......oh well, at least it's not me. Yikes.

"If it makes you feel any better I shot him" I said nodding my head towards the rifle.

Everyone looked there and Nino calmed down as the class stared now at me in fear.

"Yeah that does make me feel better" Nino said normally and walked towards me, putting his gun down.

"Can you take that one out?" I asked

"Yeah come on" he said grimancing

We all walked inside and the class gasped.

"Holy shit are you ok?!?" Alya and Adrien screamed running to me.

"It took you this long to see this?" I asked, pointing to my stomach and side.

"Yeah now are you ok?" Alya asked

"Well I'm not dead so yes" I said with a smile

Alya and Adrien both stared at me then gave me a soft hug.

"Ok everyone I suggest you leave or grab a garbage can" Nino said while holding a pocket knife as I sat on the counter.

"Why?" Mylene asked

"Yeah Mylene you definately need to get out" Nino said

"Excuse me?" Ivan growled, holding Mylene's waist.

"Cute....he's gonna take the bullet out of my side so I suggest all the easy pukers, get out" I said with a smile.

"Ok yeah bye!" Chloe, Sabrina, Rose, Max, and Mylene said and left.

"You guys are really gonna stay?" I asked eyeing Adrien, Ivan, Kim, Alix, Juleka, and Alya

"Yeah I wanna see how it's done" Kim said

Me and Nino looked at each other and then back at the group.


I watched in amuzement as Alya, Ivan, and Kim were puking their guts out in the garbage cans and sink, Adrien covered his eyes and looked away while Alix and Juleka just watched in horror.

5 minutes earlier........

Nino took the pocket knife and walked towards me.

"Whoa what the hell are you doing with the knife?" everyone asked stepping between me and Nino.

"You want me to get the bullet out of her side right?" Nino asked

"That's how you're gonna do it?!?" everyone screamed

"Yeah that's how it works" I said from behind them

Everyone slowly crowded around us but they soon regretted it. Nino took the knife and stuck it in my stomach, feeling around for the bullet.

"Holy shit" Alya, Kim, and Ivan gagged and ran the nearest sink or garbage can to throw up.

Adrien gasped and covered his while Alix and Juleka were staring at me in horror.

Now the present.........

"How are you not in pain!?!" Alix cringed

"It's not the first time" I said casually

"Not the first time!?!" everyone yelled- or sorta yelled since they were puking.

"Yup, ya get used to it" I said

"Got it!" Nino exclaimed, holding a towel to my stomach.

"Ohh thank god!!" the 3 pukers exclaimed and we chuckled.

"I still have to stitch her" Nino said

"Yeah no" the 3 said and walked out

Nino got the first aid kit and started to stitch me up.........

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