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kyles POV:

When I got home, Ike was sitting in his room crying. I'm pretty sure it wasn't dad the ups man this time.

I couldn't find mom, I'm guessing she was off trying to stop it. But I knew that even mom can't stop this.

Dad was sitting in his office writing something. He looked the same. I wonder if he knows yet.

As I walked in my bedroom, I looked up on my wAll and saw photos. Photos of kenny and I. Photos of cartman and I. Cartman! I wonder if he is upset about this. Probably so. Cartman is the type of person that hold all of their emotion in and then turns it into anger and takes it out on the Jewish religion. He'll will hide it, but he probably is upset. Out of everyone, cartman has had the most interesting things happen to him. And to be honest, I'm going to miss him.

Then I saw a photo of me and stan. This is going to be the hardest part, saying goodbye to stan. We've just been through, so much together. It's crazy that I would have to say goodbye to him. I started to cry right then and there.

I really hope this is all just a bad dream. Im pinching my sides. The pain is unbearable, but I have to wake up. But I don't.

It was about 9:30 when I called stan. We didn't say anything except for goodnight. But we said so much without saying anything at all.


Hey guys!! I hope you are liking it.

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now