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So the day is Feb. 1st now. the day after Cartman fell. just to clear things up.
The goodbye thing is March 4th, everyone leaves on the 5th.

Okay cool. I think. this will be over by the new year, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna do a sequel. I think I'm gonna write another fanfic and then decide if I want to followup on this. Comment what you think. Anyways, update Friday. I have exams this week starting tomorrow and then school is out until January 6th. cool. thanks for being so patient and reading such a terribly written story about something I love. and thanks for letting me fit in here. I finally found something I love that I won't be judged in or hated. so thank you for that. I love each one of you. YOUVE made me so happy these past few months.

Have a good week-
see you friday.

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now