So, where do we go?

710 17 1

Sorry it was a day late, it took me a while to write this one on my ohone.


I slid out of my bed and threw on my coat and hat. I walked downstairs to find my mom, dad, and Shelly sitting at the breakfast looking at the laptop.

"What's going on?" I asked, peeking over the computer.

"What's Zill-." shit. no way. They were looking at Zillow- a website to find houses for sale. I remember zillow from a while back when mom and dad got divorced and moved out. aka, my depression state.

"Stan, today we will decide where we are going to move. We are looking at New Orleans, Louisiana or a town just a little away from South Park, Denver." dad told me.

I sat down at the table shaking and laid my head on the table cloth. I'm not ready yet.

"Well, we have to do this now. Butters, Kenny, Kyle, and Cartman are doing this today. actaully, everyone we know is. I know everyone in your grade is today Stan." Mom said

I must have thought out loud.

"Oh." Is all I said.



Denver, Colorado. A brown house with 2 floors and a pool. 35 minutes away.

I can't believe we finally decided.


okay guys that's all for today. my thumbs hurt really bad. I'll do my next

update sometime this weekend- promise. ily all and THANK YOU FOR 640 VIEWS.

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now