More news...

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Okay first, thank you so much! I can't believe this has almost 30 votes and 140 views! I was never even expecting 5 views. Thank you again. Don't forget to leave feedback! Okay ily here's the chapter!


I looked up at my new room and cried. I wasn't happy. How could I be happy in Austin Texas? It's so much different then South Park.

I woke up. Thank god that was a dream. I'm not ready to leave yet, no matter now close it is to that time.

5 days have passed since we heard the news. Each and everyone of them filled with the shock of not believing it, remembering all the times we've had, and trying to figure out a way we don't have to move.

Ike is having it hard. He has hasn't stopped crying since that first afternoon.

I'm holding it all in. I don't know how much longer I can though.


I walked into class and the tv was out again...



"Not again!!!"

Once again, I was gonna be late!! I can't be late!!!

I threw myself into the school when I reached it, right as the bell rang.

"I made it!! I'm here!!" I shouted.

Everyone just looked at me with upset faces, nothing new there.

I ran to my class room and the TV set was pulled out again.

The mayor was on the screen again.



Oh what is it now?? I can't take any more horrible news. God mr. Garrsion, turn it off!!


Cartmans POV:

More news? Okay. How is this Bitch gonna ruin my life this time.

"Hello South Park residence, I have some more news. Except it's more on the happyish side this time. Kind of. Not really. Oh well. Anyways, so when I put the news on you five days ago on the 5th of January, that means everyone will be gone on March 5th, and another little bit on that piece of info: we will all be leaving the town on that date. No exceptions, no earlier, no later. Understand? Okay, so on March 4th at 12:00-8:00, everyone in town, and I mean EVERYONE will attend a goodbye ceremony. Everyone who wants to. will have a time to say goodbye in front of the whole town. To share a memorie, or just a goodbye. Thank you for your precious time. See you soon."

Oh okay. Well, okay. Sounds good....I guess. I want to have a speech in front of the town on March 4th.



Um okay. This will be interesting. I want to talk at the ceremony.


I want a speech at the ceremony.


I need a speech at the ceremony, I have a lot of stuff I'd like to share, and try.


Yay!! I get to say goodbye to my town!!! This is great wait to mom and dad hear!!!!

"Okay back to class now children." Mr. Garrison says.


I hope you enjoyed:)

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now