Kennys plan

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First of all- I know I died. Sorry. Okay here it is and it's gonna be short, my friend is over.


I couldn't stop thinking about Kenny yesterday...

I mean, he's back at school, but just something seems off. Like he's differnt somehow.

For some reason- something in the back of my mind- I feel like Kenny has something about him I've never noticed before. after yesterday, when he showed up to school drunk as fuck, I thought I couldn't forgive him. but now, I do.


I'll film it tonight. I'll film myself putting the fun to my head and make sure the guys see it. they HAVE to know some how, I mean, we are about to leave. they should know this very important thing about me.


SO SORRY it's been forever since I updated. School sucks. And I'm so sorry it's so short, I'll have more up tomorrow but rn I'm really tired to I'm going to bed. thank you for all the views and votes, that's such a cool thing for you to do. Have a great night--

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