One Messed Up Dream

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I woke up and went down stairs.

Yesterday we got the huge news about the goodbye thing. It was good.

I went downstairs and mom, dad and Shelly were all smiles.

"Uh. Hey guys." I said, wondering what was happening.

"Hey Stanley!" Mom replied.

Everyone was happy.

I went to school and no one even mentioned the moving deal.

That's when I saw the calander. It was 5 days earlier.

"What?!? It was just a dream?!?" I said in the middle of class.

"What was a dream?" Kyle asked.

"Moving!! Everyone splitting up!! I can't believe it!!!"

"Oh. Okay."

Everyone went back to work.




And that's when I woke up.

"Was that a dream??" I check my phone date, and sure enough, it was.

I went down stairs and mom and dad were talking about moving and how disappointing it was.

Shit. I really wished my dream was real.

I told the guys at lunch and they agreed that they wish it was just some crazy messed up dream.

But it's not.

And it never will be.


So I finally got a charger (yay) so I will be updating more now. Sorry for the delayyyyy.

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now