Trouble? For what?

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I was a little surprised when I heard the phone ring this morning. At 6:30. I was already awake, lying in bed staring at my ceiling. Thinking about change. I fucking hate change. It can wreck someone's life.

I picked up the phone and it was kenny. His muffled voice was usually easy to translate, but today it sounded like he was high and drunk and tried as fuck. I knew it was probably the last one.

He told me to tell Kyle and cartman to meet him at Starks pond. Well, Kyle can tell cartman. I don't want to deal with his bitching right now. Or his fakeness, whatever personality he chooses today.

I walked to Starks pond, avoiding school on the way there. I've skipped school many times, and I knew it probably wouldn't matter today. But I went a different way anyways.

I showed up last, with fake happiness all over my face. It was obvious too.

Kenny looked horrible. Cartman was telling a story about his mom and Kyle was making fun of him about it. It almost seemed like we wouldn't never see each other again in 8 weeks.

I looked at kenny again. He was lost in thought. So deep. I noticed something I never had about him before, I caught a glimpse of hurt and pain in his eyes. Maybe it's always been there. Maybe it's new.



my idea of skipping school so we can talk about whats Happening didn't work. We chated. Small talked. I guess we weren't ready to face realty yet, but is anyone?



"Bye guys see you all at school"

I was pretty happy, wow. Happy. I probably wouldn't be happy again for a while. Cartman, Kenny, Stan and I hung out at Starks pond for a while. W laughed a lot.

On the way home I felt like I was forgetting something kinda important. Not sure. It probably doesn't matter.

When I opened the front door, I imeditly knew what it was.

I had skipped school.

And. Mom. Was. Wating. For. Me.

"Young man why aren't you in school!"

"Oh, mom! Uh, they let us out early today! Again!" I argued, praying to god this worked, mom is the last thing that I need to deal with right now. I hate to admit it, but cartmans right. And his 2 minute song. My mom can be a bitch.

"I'm calling STANS MOM. If he does not have the same story, you are in trouble Kyle!"

"Trouble?! For what!?"

"Go to your room Kyle!"

I went to my room. It wasn't worth it. But is anything worth anything anymore?


Hey guys! I really hope your enjoying this. I'm actaully enjoying writing it. I want to thank you all for the views and votes. I want you guys to know that I'm going through a hard time right now, and I can see who it's reflecting in this story. In fact, the whole goodbye part is based on my life right now. Anyways, have a great weekend. Thank you for your time!

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now