So...where we going?

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I've lost my shit.


I called all the guys to come over so we can talk about where we are going. a few cant make it, so they told me on the phone.
Clyde is going to Salt Lake City, Utah.
Craig is going to New York City.
Token is going to a rich African American school in Florida.
Kevin is going to north park, Colorado.

Kenny, Stan, Cartman, and butters are coming over so we can talk about it. they haven't told me yet.

Everyone arrives at my front door at once. Cartman brought along Chessy Puffs, I was expecting that.

I looked at Stan and saw hurt in his eyes. something that I have come used to over the past few years.

Kenny, well kenny looked like he was In another world.

Butters was looking at person to person , with a concerned look on his face.

"Come in guys. We have a lot to talk about."

I Let them walk and and shut the door. I followed everyone into my room and sat down at the desk chair.

"So...where we going?" I asked the guys.

"Uh, I'm moving to Denver." Stan said. my heart dropped and I know tears came out of my eyes. everyone looked sad.

"Oh, well, I'm moving to Texas. Dallas Texas. It's so far away.....i......" Butters faded out. Everyone sniffed and Butters was crying.

"Uuh I'm going to Nashville Tennessee. my mom likes country music. Im gonna hate it." Cartman added. at this point, I had to pass around a tissue box.

Through Kenny's muffled parka, we all heard him clearly. "I'm going to Wyoming. Casper Wyoming." and then we heard him cry.

"What about you kyle?" Stan asked. I could hear in his voice that he was hoping for me to say with him. that I was going to Denver. but I wasn't.

"Kansas City." I said.

I looked around the room and said, "guys, I know we are going far away from each other, but it doesn't mean we still won't be best friends for life. I mean, we've gone through so much how could we not? It feels like I've known you guys so much longer than since preschool. Like we have lived quit a few lives together. Remember when Aliens put an anal probe in Cartmans ass? And when Stan had to kille himself in Facebook? And kenny was missing for a year? And when I had to almost drink pee? And when Butters dad went to gay bathhouses so he could jack off? We've been through all these things together,"

"I'd rather forget that last one, Kyle." Butters said and shot me a look from across the room.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. But that's what I'm saying. We've had so much time together. Tomorrow is Janurary 26th and that means we have about a month left together. Also we have a month to write our speeches for the goodbye thingy. I promise when all are all in iur new houses we will get together and hang out somewhere."

"Yes. We will." Everyone said at once.

"Kyle!!!!!!! Time for dinner!!!!!" Dad called up the stairs.

"Okay dad!!!" I said. We walked out of my room- stan tripping over a half packed box of cloths- and when downstairs to eat dinner.


I hope you like it!!! Gonna speed things up a little and fast foward. Idk if I'm gonna do a sequel when this is all over. I have an idea for another story about Butters because I am obsessed with him but I'm not sure about it yet.

Have a nice week!

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now