The Last Night

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I wrote the last word on my paper.
"I realy hope I don't cry when I do this." I said, looking in the mirror.
I was working on what I am going to say at the goodbye thing tomorrow. I can't believe that March 4th has already rolled around.

Everything has been one huge blur, everything gone by so fast.

Everyone in town is staying at the Holiday Inn, with all their boxes and shit already in there new homes, they are just here for tomorrow.

Stan and I have rooms right next to each other, Cartman is 3 floors above us and Kenny is on the first floor. They are all coming to my room to spend the night one last time while we are in South Park.

Leaving my house, wasn't easy. As I walked around the home, I saw memories play out in front of me. The living room looked dead. The house was empty, lifeless. I heard my voice echo in my room, as I turned the light out for one last time. I did cry, because that had been my home, for what felt like 20 years.

I told mom and dad goodbye when I shut the hotel room door, I walked downstiars to get a bag of chips.
*************************************STANS POV:
"FUCK YOU DENVER COLORADO!" I screamed at the picture my mom had sent me of our new house in Denver.

I drank my cup of water and calmed down. I heard Kyle leave his room next to mine, and the room on the otherside of me, screaming and moaning.
"Probably Cartmans Mom." I said to myself.

Mom and Dad are out helping set up the stage for tomorrow. I have everything I want to say, planned out in my head.

I've been praticing not crying talking about this. I have failed.

I laid down on the bed, and turned on my music. The song that came on, made me cry. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.

I have so many memories with this song. When my parents divorced, I listened to this song. When Cartman was shoving burgers up his ass, I listened to this song. When fast food people had a sniper chicken on me, I listened to this song.

I sighed as I drifted off to sleep.
(later that night-at kyles room)
Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and Butters were all talking but I couldn't hear them. I was stuck in memories. Everything just came pouring back to me, all of a sudden. It hit me. I have to leave behind my best friends. I've been through everything with them, all there shit and fuck. I've been there. Even when I've probably been a dick, they were still there for me. When I started trending amazingly, they hated me but still cared about me. When alines came down from the sky and shoved some shit up my ass, they were there. When I sang songs about Kyle's mom, and supported Hitler, Kyle was still there. When I told stans dad to respect my authoritah, he was still there. Kenny, I remember when he was gone for a while. No one knew where he was. When we finally found him, it was right after I rode on Santas sleigh with Mr. Hankey. But ever since them, he has always been right there. Butters is just an asshole.

"Are you okay fatass?" Kyle asked me.
"Sure. Sure, jewboy."
"I thought it was going to be easier for some reason, to say goodbye and end it all. This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but I've been crying myself to sleep every night." I said to the guys.

"Yeah, yeah me too." Stan said and looked down.

"Kenny we've known you for what seems like 20 years and we've only seen you without your jacket on 4 or 5 times. How about you take it off for tonight?" Kyle asked me.

"Okay, okay. But my hair is kind of messed up."

"Because we give a fuck." Stan said.
I looked around at all my friends and when I looked at them I saw all of our memories. I look at Stan, and I see the first time I met him in a basement. I see kyle, and think of how he helped me when my grandma was bullying me. I see cartman, and countless memories come over me. All the cruel things he's done to me, and all the revenge I have gotten on him. Stan, I see the guy who always was more mature than anyone, who always had something that was bothering him. The guy that ended up jacking it in San Diego.

I start crying right then and there, and I feel an arm come around me to hold me. And then I feel more.

I hear sobbing and sniffing all around me. I look up, and everyone has come into a group hug around me.

I never wanted to let go.

Hey guyssssss. GUESS WHAT IS ENDING NEXT CHAPTER? Yep. It's come time. There will be one more chapter- and then an epilogue. Then that's it. Until the sequel.

I will have the next chapter up sometime this weekend, I am busy until then and it's my only time to write.

this is making me so emotional. I hope it is doing the same for you.

thank you all for EVERYTHING and reading a terribly written story that I had no clue what I was doing when I first wrote it. Thank you for the views, votes, and amazingly nice comments.


I will talk to you this weekend:)

Saying Goodbye: A South Park FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now