No sleep for me

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Guys. No way--- 1 fucking k views.
I'm speechless and I have no words. Thank you for reading this story that has made my life better, and worse bc it's depressing. It means so so much.

I shut my curtains, turned off the light, and called for mom.
After screaming for her 3 or 4 times, she appears at my door ready to tuck me in for the night.
"Goodnight mama. I love you." I told her.
"You too snuggle baby ((idek)). If you hear some noises just stay in your room it's just mommy- uh- dancing. Okay?"
"Oh okay. Night."
I think it's funny that she still thinks I'm clueless to her being a total slut. Everyone in the town knows it, and I'm pretty sure half of the men here or more have had sex with her. It's okay though. I can't picture my life- our life- without it being that way.
Mom shut the door and I tried to sleep.
I couldn't.
Which is very unusual for me.
I try everything, a drink of water, cheesy poofs, counting sheep. It just dosent happen.
I look over at my clock. 12:35.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?!?" I say to myself.
Eventually, I fall asleep. I don't know how I finally did but it happened.
I didn't get any sleep last night. Well, 3 hours. It took me forever to fall asleep.
I was considering drinking coffee when I heard the door bell ring.
"The fuck, it's 7:30?" I asked to no one, my parents gone and Ike sleeping.
I threw on my hat to cover my bed hair and answered the door.
"Are you Gerald Brofloski?" Asked a UPS man, with a fair sized package in his hand.
"Uh, no. his son"
"Take this." He said, pushing the package into my arms.
"K. Thanks." I said then shut the door.
I was tempted to look into the package but my dad would know so I didn't.
I walked to my bedroom and was about to throw myself on my bed it go back to sleep. Rt
I barely missed the man looking through my bedroom window.

I know it's short and I'm sorry but I'm going to start doing shorter chapters with more updates. If that's okay? I need to start wrapping this up soon. maybe by thanksgiving or sooner or later. I'm not sure. Goodnight guys! Thanks for all the views!

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