Kenny? Dont do this again.

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KYLES POV (7:56 am)

The weekend flew by. I had to babysit Ike and pack my bedroom. Even though it was a whilebefore we were Actually going to move.

So I walked to school Momday upset and tired and sick of life.

"I'm getting real sick of your shit, life." I said to my self.

Stan and Cartman waved to me when I sat down- cartman finishing his dounuts.

"You are the only human who brings dounuts to school fatass! God." I said.

"Eh! Shut up you fucking Jew!" He yelled back.

"Cartman, did you just say the f word?" Mr. Garrison asked.

"Jew?" Cartman asked

"Can we not do this again guys!? The last time we all ended up in the counslers office!" Stan yelled

"Yeah." We replied

"Fucking assholes fuck this." I heard cartman say under his breath.

Mr Garrison started the lesson and for a minute everything felt normal. But of course, it wasn't.


STANS POV (11:46 am)

"Dude where's Kenny?" I asked Kyle, Cartman, and Butters.

"Well, I walked by his house this morning and he wasn't walking to school." Butters said.

"I don't know, probably ditched." Kyle said.



KENNYS POV (11:47 am)

I took one last gulp from the flask.

"Ooh ffuck. Stoday isss Monday. I missed fu- *hiccups* -cking school." I said, drunken.

I knew it was wrong. That i was only in 4 th grade drinking out of my fathers flask to help me feel better. It's not like I've never done it before. I hate myself for doing it, but it works.

Slurring, "Guess I'm walking to ssschool late then."


I walk into mr garrisons class. He stops writing on the chalkboard and looks at me.

"I'm fucking ready." I heard myself say.

"Kenny! What are you doing!" I heard Kyle and stan shout

"Feeling better." I slurred back.

"Dude! Your drunk!" Stan said.

He got down from his desk with Kyle and cartman and took me in the hall.

" I thought you stopped drinking!" Kyle said

"Kenny? Don't do this again." Stan said.

"Ya, your a little bitch when your drunk kenny. We all feel like shit, but we have to deal with it." Cartman said.

For once, he sounded right.

"I need to ssslepp then." I said.

"Go lay down at the nurse. I'll call your mom." Stan said.

"Sshit! She gonna- *hiccups* -kill me!" I say stumbling.

The I realized it wasn't a big deal. That I'd wake up again anyways.

"Kyle. I'm Going to kill myself. But I'll see you tomorrow." I said, sounding sober.

"Kenny! No! Your drunk!" They yelled at me.

I pulled out my rifle (note--no clue why he has one in his coat. Just go with it😂😂), and shot myself.

"No!" My Friends shouted.

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" Stan shouted

"You bastards!" Kyle said.

I just wish they would remember.


So tired. Hope you liked this chapter. Maybe when I finish the whole story I'll release the original chapter.... It was so messed up and awesome, but I realized i took some things a little too far so I re wrote it. It's still saved though:)! Okay, bye!

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