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Grounded. Fucking grounded. Because I didn't have the same story as Kyle. Kenny, Kyle Cartman, and I are grounded.

Even though it's only for a week, that's still 1 week out of the 2 months we have left with each other. Our parents should know that.

This sucks ass.


-the next day at school-



"Cartman! What the fuck?!?" Kyle replied across the lunch table.

I threw down my tray filled with cake and meat, splashing my dr. Pepper everywhere.

"My mom is making me pack my room up right now! Starting today! Do you guys have to yet?!" I asked

"No. Too bad for you fatass." Kyle resonded

Stan agreed with him.

"Where's kenny?" Stan asked.

"Who cares! What about my room?" I asked

"Go fuck a whale cartman." Kyle said



I'm gonna be late!!! Okay parka, backpack, lunch that I won't need, homework. LETS GO.

Thanks to stan I'm grounded, and if my parents find out I'm late to school, I will be dead. It's not like it matters anyways. Considering I got hit by a bus last night on the way home from the pond.

I woke up late, I didn't set my shitty alarm clock last night, because I wasn't alive to.

Sprinting to school, I run into the cafeteria and scarf down my lunch of toast and apple slices.

"Dude why we're you late?" Kyle asked.

Not a shock. Even though he, stan, and cartman watched me get killed they acted as if nothing happened. Like always.

I remembered the bus coming, and I just let it hit me.

"Oh my god! They killed kenny!" Stan shouted....like always.

"You bastards!" Kyle shouted...again, like always.

Nothing changed there.

Coming back from my thoughts, "oh, um do you remember anything about last night?"

My muffled voice said.

"Uh yeah, we skipped school got grounded and walked home. Why?" Kyle asked.

"Oh nothing Nevermind." I replied.

Maybe one day soon they'll remember. Maybe.


Hey guys! Everyday I watch this get more views and I'm so happy about that. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the votes. They mean a lot. You know how fan bases have names? I got to figure out something to call you guys as fans of this story. If you are liking this, will you check out my other fanfiction (also South Park) called accepted? I have some cool stuff planned for that one. Updates coming soon! Also wattpad isn't letting me vote or comment or follow anyone so I, sorry. Okay bye now !

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