The Party (part two)

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I comed my hair again. Staring in the mirrior, thinking about what I was about to do.
The plan was perfect, they wouldn't forget. Or would they?
I watched the video again, and again. Cylde said I could show a party video, but I'm showing the video I made of me shooting myself. So everyone can see.
I'm ready for what might change my life.
"Kenny! Are you ready to go?" "Yes mom!" I yelled, through my muffled parka.
We opened the door to Clydes house, and we saw.
It was awesome. They best music playing, people swimming in the freezing cold pool, drinks, food, everything.
I saw beers in the back corner, and blinked twice, They were gone when I opended my eyes.
"whew!" I said, happy that I wouldn't have to drink tonight.
"Holy shit." Cartman said, excited about the night that was about to happen.
Butters was already talking to tweek, and Stan was with Wendy.
"So, where should we go?" I asked Cartman, wanting to get away from him.
"I don't know about you but Im gonna go eat some pizza." Cartman answered.
"Hey! It's Kenny!" I shouted.
Kenny was here!
I ran over to him and asked him where he's been. He looked shaked up and nervous. He was acting like this was just a normal party. Nothing new.
"Hey Clyde! Can I show my video now?" Kenny asked Clyde.
"Sure! I'll set up the TV."
"Everyone, Kenny brought a fun video to show everyone tonight. Lets see" Clyde said to everyone.
I don't even care I just want food.
Kenny loaded the video onto the TV and we saw him standing in his bedroom, wearing nothing but a small pair of underwear.
"Well, nice body Kenny!" Butters shouted.
The look everyone gave Butters was priceless. He just didn't know anything. So we didn't call him gay or anything like that.
Kenny was talking in the video.
"You guys should know something. I die. All the time. More than once every week. I've gotten used to it, so It hasn't happend as much lately. Everytime it happens, Stan always shouts 'oh my god! they killed kenny!' and kyle says 'you bastards!'. I know you don't belive me. So here is a video. I'm not going to edit this or anything, Just raw footage of me killing myself."
"Dude." Kyle said.
"This is pretty fucked up right here." Stan said.
In the video, Kenny picked a gun up and put it too his head. He said "for you guys" and then shot himself.
He feel backwards and blood came out of his head.
He was dead.
But how was he standing here?
Kyles pov:
oh my god, kenny cant die! wait, what?
"now you know!" I said.
"Know what?" Everyone asked.
"That I can't die! You just saw the video!"
"What video?"
"No kenny chill. We don't know what you are talking about all we saw was the tv go black."

I shouldve know this wouldnt have worked.
"Well, shit." I said.
I guess no one will ever know.
"Well Kenny was acting weird tongiht." I said to the guys, on the way home from the party."
"Yeah, what was his deal? Too bad Clydes TV didnt work I would've like to have seen the fun video." Stna said.
"well see you guys tomorrow at school." Cartman said.
and with that we went home.

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