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(this chapter is super long, just know that...)

sorry for the lack of the last chapter being posted. I have been sick this week and my grades were not the best, but they are better now. Plus a little wait doesn't hurt.... gah im so emtional. so here it is. the last chapter of Goodbye.
I did cry myself asleep last night, but so did everyone else. Even Cartman. It might have been the worst night of my life.

I put on my hat, for the last time. "Won't be needing this in Kansas City."
But that hat is a part of me, it has all my stories in it. Everything that I have ever dreamt about, I have never been myself without it.

"Time to go, Kyle. Get in the car." Dad practically whispered to me. It was time to go to the first Goodbye I have ever had to say.
*************************************STANS POV:
The whole parking lot was crowded. Or whatever you call it. Parking lot, lawn, in front of the city hall. Where all of the important meetings are held.

I looked through the crowd, everyone was standing in the order that they will talk. They basically put all the adults first, and all the kids last. The very last people in line were in this order. Butters, Kenny, Me, Kyle and Cartman. We did request to be in the same time range but I don't know why we have to be last.

As soon as 8:00 hits, everyone leaves town. The traffic will be horrible, but thats not what matters. What matters is that I will never have another night in South Park. Ever.

It's 11:55, they are about to start. Can I get through this without crying?
*************************************CARTMANS POV:
"South Park has been the greatest part of my life. I mean, I have done s-so much stuff here. I have done some things I can't speak of, Gerald, but it still has been a huge part of my life. 20 years, to be exact." Randy Stan's dad was the first person to go, he was holding himself together pretty well.
"I wish South Park was a show. So I could always watch reruns of my life, watch all my mistakes and misfourntens and laugh at them." Huh.

Randy moved on, he cried as he said "goodbye, south park." he went to go sit in the section where veryone who already talked was supposed to sit.
All the other adults were next, and nothing there was nothing really special about them.

" I am dearly sorry for starting a war with Canada. I will miss South Park." Was Kyle's mom. Thats the only thing she said, and a grin came across my face. I could feel Kyle giving me a glare from behind me in line, daring me to start singing.
I have my coat pulled so tightly over my face, you can't even see my eyes. They are so red, my face is pale. I have never felt so sick, I didn't know I had so much emotion in me.

All the other guys like Criag and Clyde and Tweek had already talked. It was sad, but it wasn't the hardest thing to say goodbye to them. Since they tried to out gay us and all...

I was counting down the hours until it was my turn to talk, trying to figure out what I was going to say.

I thought I had it all planned out, but now I am not sure. I was going to tell everyone I can't die, but what is the point? They will all just forget anyways. But.. it's not their fault. I can't be mad at them.

Cartman had a huge smile on his face, that evil grin he always gets. I knew he was about to burst into song, he must be trying so hard not to ruin the last few hours of our perfect life.
What felt like days later, it was finally my turn.

I took a deep breathe, and stood up from my chair. Kyle, Stan, Kenny and Cartman looked back at me.
"Alright Butters. Just say what comes to mind."

I stepped onto the stage they had set up outside and hopped onto the step stool so I could reach the microphone.
"Uh hi. My name is Butters." I started, already shaking and half crying.
"I have been living in South Park forever. I haven't always had friends here though. In third grade I was really lonely. All my friends were people younger than me. My dad was gay, and my mom tried to kill me. I was so hurt. I had no one"

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