The Party (part one)((10days later))

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Last week was crazy. Cartman woke up out of the coma 2 days early and surpirsed the doctors. They thought he might ahve had brain trauma since he woke up so soon.
Well, he didn't. He woke up because he was "stariving like an abonded dog, left out in the cold, unloved.". Those are Cartmans words.
The day after, Kyle and I spent the night togheter at Butters house. Butters was there but he went to bed at 8. Kyle and I stayed up late setting up every social media account possible so we could keep in touch. We did everything. Including facebook. We even made a private website for the people of South Park to talk to each other after the move. Everyone already has an account.
Kenny, we haven't seen him since the day Cartman feel off the ladder. Its really upsetting that we missed 10 days with him. I remeber him saying that he was working on a project. But what could be so important he doesn't hang out with his best friends?
Anyways. Tonight Clyde is throwing a huge party. Everyone in 4th grade is going. There aren't going to be any parents supervising so...
"Hurry up, Jew!" I shouted at Kyle who was still trying to adjust his hat.
"Shut the fuck up fatass! You aren't even suppsed to be going tonight! What happend to 15 days of bedrest and recovery?"
"Screw it! I don't need it." I replied. Except I probably do need it. But everyone is going to this party and I don't want to be considered uncool.
"Guys, please don't do this right now." Stan said, steppigng between us.
"Hey fellas, wheres kenny?" Butters asked.
"I'm not sure, I haven't seen him since fatty fell off the ladder" Kyle answered.
"I haven't seen him since I scared the shit out of the Jew!"
"same thing guys"
"Shut up Stan"
"Alright boys! Get in the car lets go!" Mom called up the stairs.
"Cooooming moooom."
I climed into the car after Stan. I was in the middle between Stan and Kyle, Cartman in the front seat with his Mom.
"Alright boys, since there aren't going to be any parents there tonight, I expect you to know whats right and make good choices." Ms. Cartman said to us.
"Is she telling us not to have sex?" I asked, maybe too loudly.
"Probalbly but look whos talking...." Kyle replied.
Cartman shot Kyle a death glare and tried to flip him off without his mom seeing.
"Well, Thats mean Cartman!" I shouted.
Which only made Cartman more upset.
to be continued.......

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