Chapter 2; Strange Guy

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Yuqi's POV

"Hey, this is our class...right? Lecture hall 14?" Minnie looked around, confused. I stared at her. Hey, I thought she knew the way! 

"Come on, it's my first year too! But I did study the map before coming down..." Minnie scratched her head. 

"Well, only one way to find out!" Miyeon exclaimed, stepping into the lecture hall and looking back expectantly. "Come on!"

The lecture room was huge, like every other room in this school, other than its dorm rooms of course. It was relatively empty, except for a few students sitting at the front. 

"Why don't we sit in the middle rows? Sitting at the front makes me uncomfortable." Minnie gestured to the 4th row. 

"Yeah, sure! At least we aren't sitting at the back so we probably won't fall asleep." I commented, smiling. We took our seats and began chatting with each other, waiting for the rest of the students to stream in. I sat beside Minnie, and Miyeon sat beside Minnie, Minnie being in the middle. There was an empty seat on my left. Finally, when most of the students were assembled, the professor steps into class.

"Good morning everyone! Welcome to your first day of college. Now, I'm sure you're all aware that this is Chemistry class. We don't have much time before your very first exams, so I'll just do a quick self introduction. I'm Professor Jiyeon, but you can just call me Professor Jin for short. You can email me at..." He continues to drone on and on, despite wanting to make it a "short" self introduction. However, suddenly, someone pushed the door.

This created a loud noise, drawing attention from the whole class.  A man walked in, interrupting the class. His hair was unkempt, clothes are un-ironed, a smug look plastered on his face. 

"Good morning, young man!" The professor looked astonished. "Late on the first day of college, eh?" 

"Yeah, good morning. Where do I sit?" He spoke nonchalantly. The professor was taken aback by his lack of manners, but he just shook his head, muttering under his breath. 

"Anywhere you want, just don't disturb my class." The professor waved his hand across the room. He was visibly annoyed, but he probably just didn't want to ruin the first day of school for the rest of the students.

The man's eyes swept across the room before his gaze landed on the empty seat beside mine. He trotted over, dragging his feet along the way. I could see girls shooting glances at him and whispering to each other. He sat down, pulling out his notebook. 

"Hey, what's your name?" He offered his hand for a handshake. 

"I'm Yuqi, nice to meet you." I shook his hand. There was a slight pause before he replied, "Okay great, I hope we'll become good friends, or perhaps something even more," winking at me. I stared at him in confusion. 

What's this guy's deal? He was so rude just now and suddenly being all flirty with me? Weirdo. I thought to myself. Before long, he already had his hoodie up and he was... sleeping? I didn't catch his name so I glanced at his notebook, in hopes that he would have written his name on it.

Lucas Wong.


Lucas' POV

"Ehh, I'm late again. Well, whatever." I looked at my rolex watch. 8.05am. School already started 5 minutes ago. And it's the first day too. Great. I thought. Well, could've been worse. I remembered walking into class 3 hours late before, being extremely hungover from a whole night's drinking, and even wore the wrong attire; my pyjamas. I shook my head, wanting to forget all those stupid moments. 

"I sure hope this is the right lecture hall." I muttered under my breath.

I pushed open the door and was immediately greeted by at least a hundred pairs of staring eyes. Some of the boys were looking at me from top to bottom, before shaking their heads in disapproval. The girls, however, were giggling nonstop. I didn't bother grooming myself properly this morning, since I was already running late. Besides, I couldn't care less about proper school attire. Those rules were just meant to make my life difficult. Other than the giggling coming from the girls, there was pin drop silence.

He looked over to the professor who had stopped in his tracks, looking unpleasantly surprised. "Good morning, young man! Late on the first day of college I see?" I rolled my eyes mentally. Damn, old man. I just want to find a seat already, come on. 

"Yeah, good morning. Where do I sit?" I forced myself to not sound annoyed, to avoid too much trouble on the first day of school. The professor shook his head. 

"Anywhere you want. Just don't disturb my class." The professor gestured and waved his hand across the room." He looked irritated, much to my pleasure. I smirked.

I scanned the room, looking for an empty seat. I find one not too far away from the front, and decided to sit there. Of course where were lots of empty seats at the back, but it'd be no fun since there's no one around to talk to, no one to mess around with. Besides, the girl beside the seat was quite decent-looking. I attracted a lot of attention from the girls around, which was something I had grown used to since high school, but for the most part I never really took them seriously.

I took out my notebook and turned to the girl. She has slightly curled brown hair, big brown eyes, a relatively high nose bridge. 

"Hey, what's your name?" I reached out to shake her hand. 

"I'm Yuqi, nice to meet you," she replied. Woah. I thought, surprised. Her voice is really deep, it doesn't really match that face of hers. What a shame, she might've been a little cuter if she had a higher pitched voice. 

"Okay great, I hope we'll become good friends, or perhaps something even more," winking at her. I usually do this to girls, making them fall for me with the help of my good looks. But she's a little... different. Usually girls would end up blushing when I do something like that, but she didn't seem to be entranced by me. Instead, she stared at me with a confused look. Damn, she's a weird one. I thought. I pulled up my hoodie and began to sleep, since I had an exhausting day yesterday.

Yuqi, huh? What an interesting girl. But I'll make you fall for me, one way or another, just to mess around with you.

Like all the other girls.

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