Chapter 6; Friends?

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The next day;

Lucas' POV

"Hurry up, loser. I don't have all day." I rolled my eyes playfully at Yuqi.

"Shut up! If you continue to be an asshole I'll just stay in my dorm." She scoffed.

"You don't have a choice, anyway. Just get in already!" I laughed.

I drove us to a nearby restaurant I had reserved for the night. It was pretty popular, hence I had to book a spot for us beforehand. I'm really putting in quite an effort for one angsty girl. Man, I should've saved my money. I thought.

Before long, we reached the restaurant. I stepped out of the vehicle and began to the other side of the vehicle and away from it. Just then, I realised that Yuqi wasn't following me. I looked back, and saw her looking expectantly at me inside the car. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Aren't you going to open the door for me?" She asked. 

"No." I laughed. "I'm not your boyfriend. Get out of the car yourself, I'm not going to wait for you forever." I smirked. But somehow, speaking those words made me feel uneasy, like something wasn't right. However, I could not seem to put my finger on it. She rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath before exiting the car. 

"Let's go." I said, walking in front of her.


"Hey, this pasta is surprisingly good coming from local chefs! How did you even find out about this place?" Yuqi spoke, busy stuffing her mouth with spaghetti. The way her cheeks puffed up when she chewed her food kind of made her look... adorable. Wait, what? Come on, Lucas. Get a grip of yourself, you're losing it.

"Oh, it's run by a family friend. The food's pretty good, right? Maybe we can come here another day." I smiled at her.

"...again?" Yuqi almost choked. "If there is an 'again', you mean."

For some reason, my heart sank when she said those words. But I quickly brushed it off and smiled again. "You're right. If there is an 'again'. You know I was just fooling around."

"Yeah." Yuqi nodded in agreement.

A few moments passed as Yuqi and I ate our food silently. As we ate, many thoughts began running through my mind. Am I that bad of a person? Why doesn't Yuqi seem to like me one bit even just as a person? What did I do wrong? Before I could help myself, I blurted out,

"Why do you hate me so much?"

Yuqi seemed taken aback at that question. She stopped chewing and stared at me for a moment. I began to feel uneasy. Way to go, Lucas. "You know what, forget I said-" I started.

"Actually, I don't hate you at all." Yuqi replied.

"What? But all your actions tell me otherwise. You never seem to be entertained by me, you always ignore me, you only went out with me today because I forced you to." I was shocked.

"Well, all you said was true. But I don't hate you. Honestly, I just don't really like how you act. Now, don't get me wrong, I believe you can be a great person if you want to, but right now I'm just not seeing it." Yuqi began.

"I can tell you what I really think, but it may be offensive. Do you want to hear it?" She asked.

I nodded immediately.

"Okay then." She continued. "I just think that you're way too flirty. Personally, I really dislike flirty people, especially guys, because it just makes me seem like one of their 'temporary playthings'. I got labelled that way too often in high school, even though I was just their close friend. So, usually we had to separate, and whatever the friend and I invested in the friendship was just... gone. It just wasn't worth it, really. I can see you being one of those guys and I don't want history to repeat itself." She finishes.

I was speechless. All those times I tried to flirt with her or just be friendly with her, she ignored me. I finally found out the reason, and suddenly it all made sense to me. I nodded slowly.

"Okay... Actually, I came here to apologise to you as well. Now that I understand the situation, I'll stop being too much an asshole. I'm really sorry for all those things I did in class, and whatever happened during the family dinner. I didn't think about how much it would affect you. Let's be friends?" I held out my hand. She eyed my hand skeptically.

"Come on, please. I promise I'll tone down on all the excessive flirting." I whined.

The corners of her mouth twitched up in amusement. "And why would you do that?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't really know why. But you seem like a really nice friend to have. I don't usually dish out non-flirty compliments, so I hope you appreciate what I'm saying right now." I winked playfully.

"Alright, fine. But if things go back to the way they were again, I'm never going to talk to you again. I can't believe I'm doing this." She laughed and shook my hand.

The rest of the dinner went well, sharing jokes and teasing each other. However, just when I was going to call it a day, someone walked in; someone I had hoped would not turn up.


Without warning, I grabbed Yuqi's hand and rushed out of the restaurant. "We've got to go." I told her.

"What, where are we going?" She asked in a confused tone.

"No time to explain right now. Get in the car." I demanded.

I drove as quickly as I could, wanting to get away from the restaurant as soon as possible. I sent a quick text to Jimin, the owner of the restaurant.

Lucas: Sorry for rushing out, Jimin. I'll pay the next time I go there, I swear.

I glanced at Yuqi to make sure she was okay, after just pulling her like that. She was crossing her arms, and she looked at me expectantly. "Well?" She said. "Are you going to explain or what?"

"Uh.. maybe another day. Let's get you to your dorm as quickly as possible as possible, alright?" I replied. I didn't want her to know the truth about Taehyung and I, not yet.

"Seriously?" She rolled her eyes. "Just when I thought we were going to be friends."

"I'll make it up to you, I swear." I said. "I just really can't say anything about it right now."

"Whatever." She faced the rear window and stopped talking to me.

The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silence. I willed the car to go faster than it already was. Before long, we had reached our dorms.


"You go on first, Yuqi. I'll head out again, I have some errands to run." I told her.

"Errands at 10pm? What are you going to do, rob some graves?" She shot me a funny look. "Just stay safe alright, I don't want anything to happen to my new friend." She smiled. 

"I didn't mean to be sarcastic, honest. But just don't do anything stupid alright? I'll see you in school tomorrow, and I really hope to hear an explanation soon." She walked away and waved at me.

Somehow, despite everything that happened that night, I felt... warm.


A/N: Hello! Sorry for not updating for so long. Again, school was really busy for me. I don't know if this chapter is a bit rushed and I felt that it wasn't as well written as the other chapters. I'm still in the midst of learning how to write well. Thanks for reading, though!

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