Chapter 14; Phase 2

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Taehyung's POV

"All of you better have memorised the periodic table by now!" Professor Jiyeon lectured our class.

I rolled my eyes, allowing myself to zone out. My gaze travelled around the room, before finally landing on the girl right beside me.

Yuqi is a special girl to me. For what reason you may ask? Honestly, I don't even know.

Maybe it's the way she loved to banter with others, or maybe it's the way that she's so protective of the people she loves. Perhaps it's because her smile could literally blind people and brighten up the world by a thousand folds. She left the sun jobless, really.

I watched as she hurriedly scribbled down notes on her notebook. Why is she doing that anyway? The professor is literally talking nonsense.

"Is there something on my face? Why are you staring?" Yuqi asked, letting her hands travel up to her face. I shook my head, chuckling, before quickly turning back to face the front of the class to avoid any more embarrassment.

Something didn't feel right. It seemed like there was an empty void in my heart. Something that even Yuqi can't fill.

But there was one thing I was sure of: I wanted to protect her and take care of her.


5 Hours Later


"You know, I think that you'd make a really good boyfriend."

I turned to look at Yuqi in surprise. We were walking out of the library and heading back to our dorms. I refused to let her walk back alone despite her insistence; Hey, what if someone tries to rob her or something?

"I mean, you're smart, dorky, and caring! Whoever you date, guy or girl, would be really lucky to date you." She continued.

Did Junhyeon think of me like this, too? A smart, dorky, and caring boyfriend?

Before I could get lost too deep into my thoughts, I pulled myself back into reality. "You mean I'm not good enough to be your boyfriend?" I ruffled her hair cheekily.

She halted her steps and gawked at me, then she laughed, "What?"

"You know that I've never liked you more than as a brother, Tae." She smiled, "I mean, I've never talked about my crush but that's because I don't have any right now. Yeah, sure, I do like you, Tae, but only as a brother. That's why I said you'd be a perfect match for another person, because you have all the perfect qualities for a really great boyfriend, but I've never felt that spark between us."

I paused. I waited for that ache that should have come.

But it did not come.

Instead, I felt warmth spread across my chest.

Huh. This isn't right.

"Anyway, we've reached my dorm! Thanks for walking me back, Tae." She gave me a big hug.

I grinned, "You're welcome. Say hi to Minnie for me!"

"Will do!" She answered as she closed the door.

As I was walking back to my dorm, I heard someone call me.

"Taehyung. Taehyung!"

I turned around.


Pfft, I don't want to talk to him.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away, but I heard rapid footsteps behind me and he grabbed me by my shoulders. "Hey, dude! Just listen to me for a while, alright?"

I spun around, "What do you want?"

He panted, "Look--" He paused to catch his breath. "I know you probably hate me and all, since we've been on opposing sides for so many things, which I'm sure we do not want to revisit. But I'm here to patch things up with you, okay?"

"I know you've been wanting to find Junhyeon for a really long time, and that Chaemin has refused to share her whereabouts with you. Chaemin was just afraid that Junhyeon would get deeply hurt again. Chaemin was just trying to protect her." He continued.

"But I've set my mind on getting all of us some closure and hopefully we can all move on. I managed to convince Chaemin to let me meet Junhyeon."

I was stunned. "What?"

"Before you get too worked up, let me say what I have to say. I'm extremely remorseful about whatever happened between us two years ago. We were on good terms before everything happened, but then I got jealous. I got jealous that she picked you over me. I was heartbroken, and I knew that isn't an excuse for everything that happened after that. I just want you to know that I'm adamant on changing, and this is one of the steps I'm taking to change. I know that I was foolish, and selfish that I could not see the bigger picture and see how you're so much more fit for her." Lucas started again.

"I understand if you need some time to think about this, but there's someone I want you to meet."

Lucas stepped aside and a girl came into view.

Throughout the whole conversation, I barely said anything. And this made me shut up even more.

She's... here.

I took in the sight of her slowly.

I'm not dreaming, right?

There she was, looking so effortlessly flawless. Her dirty blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail, walking towards me with one hand carrying her haversack; practically glowing in front of me in just a pink sweater and black ripped jeans.

"Taehyung." She acknowledged me, giving me a small smile. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

She looked ... happy. Healthy. No longer the crying mess she was when he last saw her.

"Well, are you going to say anything?" A cheeky, blinding grin plastered on her face.

That was when I realised.

She loved to banter with others.

She moved away to protect herself, but also protect me at the same time.

Her smile. God, her smile. It was beautiful to say the very least.

As I turned to thank Lucas for his massive efforts, he was gone.

"Junhyeon." I breathed out. Everything still felt surreal. "Let's talk in a more appropriate setting, shall we?"

I've never stopped loving you.

Edited some grammar mistakes; also feel free to drop a vote/comment if you enjoyed this chapter (although it's a little short, sorry about that)! Thank you for your support. :)

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