Chapter 11; Can You Forgive Me?

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Lucas POV

"What do you want? Leave me alone already, won't you?" Yuqi snapped at me. My shoulders slumped. It was the umpteenth time that day that she has refused to talk to me.

"Okay, okay. I'll go." I spun around and walked away from her desk. I massaged my temples as I felt a headache setting in. I turned behind, hoping that she would be looking at me as I left, but she was smiling at her phone, seemingly texting another person.

I frowned.

I didn't know what got into her that caused this sudden change of behaviour towards me but seeing that my last text was left delivered, I had a pretty good guess.

I really didn't mean for any of this to happen, I swear. I finally got the courage to tell her, but I guess Taehyung was a step ahead of me.

I won't give up on her. I'll find a way.


Yuqi POV

What is wrong with that guy? Can't he get the hint? I groaned internally. I wished that he'd just leave me alone. I won't let myself anywhere close to an abusive shithead. If I'd known that he was such a person, I would never have befriended him.

"Ding!" My phone got another notification.

Taetae: Okay, I'll meet you at the restaurant in about an hour! I have something to tell you.

Yuqi: Sure!

I smiled. At the end of the day, Taehyung was still the one who bothered to tell me the truth instead of keeping me in the dark. He was the one who prevented me from getting hurt. He's really one of my true friends.

I was really looking forward to the meeting.




Lucas POV

"Dude, I really need your help here! What do girls like?" I asked Taeyong, waving my hands around frantically. Taeyong snickered.

"Hey, stop laughing at me! I'm being serious!"

"Since when did you care so much? You haven't bought anything for a girl since Jun..." Taeyong trailed off, and shut his mouth quickly. "Shit. Forget I said that."

"Shut up, Taeyong! I don't need you to remind me about whatever stupid shit I did in the past. Now, help me pick a damn gift, will you?" I snapped.

Waves of emotions began washing over me. I really felt so guilty, and... angry. My heart began to ache and my vision began to blur as tears started to well up in my eyes. That incident had never stopped haunting me, and I don't think it ever will stop.

"He's not my loser boyfriend!"

"He genuinely likes and cares for me."

"All you care about is your stupid reputation!"

I inhaled deeply and clutched my chest.

"You have no idea how much I like you!"

I shut my eyes, willing those thoughts to leave my head.

"Hey, Lucas! Lucas? Are you alright?" I opened my eyes to see Taeyong waving his hands rapidly in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine."

I'm so sorry, Junhyeon. I hope you know that.

"Okay. Anyways, I think Yuqi might like this." Taeyong pointed to a pair of sports shoes on display. "It's limited edition. Doesn't she like to dance? I think those would be pretty nice for her to dance in."

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