Chapter 16; Out of the Hellhole

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Yuqi looked down and sighed. In her hands was a form. No matter how long she had waited for this moment, she could not help but dread it at the same time. The piece of paper displayed everything she had desired since she stepped into university. She was so close, yet she felt an invisible barrier between her and her house, caused by none other than that piece of paper in her hands.

Lucas glanced at her and noticed the hesitant look in her eyes. Thinking that she needed a little push, he put his hand over hers and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey, you'll be fine, alright? I'll be here for you, no matter what happens," Lucas rubbed his thumb over her knuckles soothingly.

"Remember, Yuqi. This is your life, you can choose to do whatever you want, and I'll be right behind you. No one can decide your path, only yourself," Lucas continued. "Come on, I'll follow you in."

Yuqi finally lifted her head and looked straight ahead. She took a deep breath and mumbled to herself, giving herself reassurance. Come on, dude! You're so close!

She exited the car and walked towards the door. Within seconds, Lucas was right by her side, intertwining their fingers.

With a sudden burst of courage, she lifted her hand to ring the doorbell.

"Coming!" A voice came from inside. The polished mahogany door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman in her apron and her hair up in a bun.

"Yuqi-ah!" The woman exclaimed, shocked, "I didn't expect you to be back on a weekday. Well, guess I have to cook more! Come on in!" She only just seemed to notice Lucas, and instantly smiled, bowing to him.

"Hello, Mr. Wong! What brings you here..." Her eyes drifted down to their intertwined fingers and her face brightened up even more. "Oh! You guys are together! Wonderful! Come in, come in!"

Lucas smiled sheepishly, "Uh... yes. Thank you. And Lucas is fine, Mrs. Song."


"So when were you planning to tell us?" Mr. Song smiled at the both of them, happy that Yuqi finally got a boyfriend who just so happened to be part of their superior's family.

"Soon," Yuqi replied curtly. She was getting increasingly nervous as time went on. She poked at her food, not having much of an appetite. She just couldn't eat well until the news was revealed. The news not being the fact that she and Lucas were now together. Although, she was pleasantly surprised that her mother did not make a huge fuss out of it, as if she expected them to end up together.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you."

Her solemn tone captured the attention of her parents. "What is it?" Mr. Song asked in a gentle tone.

"I... have decided to drop out of the course."

An audible gasp was heard from Mrs. Song. Yuqi had to gather all her courage to look at her parents in the eyes. She was done waiting, she was done being unhappy.

"Why?" Was all Mr. Song asked.

"I'm... unhappy, Dad. I just want to do the arts, I don't want to learn about all these science chemical things that I know I have no interest in. I don't want to have a job I will hate for the rest of my life." Yuqi sighed. From the corner of her eye, she could see Lucas gazing at Yuqi encouragingly. She pushed the drop-out form to her parents. "I hope you understand that I've already made my decision, and that nothing can change my mind."

Mr. Song looked at the paper, and up at his daughter again before nodding slowly. He had always dreamed of his daughter taking the same path as him, researching and making wonderful progress for humanity through the three fields of science; biology, chemistry and physics. As an only child, he had always hoped for her to continue his line of career and make them proud.

She Told Me To Dream, So I Did - LuQiWhere stories live. Discover now