Chapter 3; A New Friend

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Yuqi's POV

"Ah shit, I'm late!" I cursed under my breath. It was only the second day of college. I looked through my timetable; Biology was first period, with Chemistry a few hours later. 

I knew this was a bad idea. I thought. I had decided to wake up extra early to shower and get a good breakfast from outside campus, but I had taken too long to shower, and by the time I got my food it was already 7.55am. I had gulped down my food and rushed to class afterwards. My phone buzzed.

Minnie: Hey, where are you? Class is starting in 5 minutes!

Yuqi: I'm like, running there right now! Save a spot for me pleaseeee

Minnie: ...fine

15 minutes later

I pushed open the door to the lecture hall and immediately bowed to the professor, apologising for being late. Surprisingly, the professor didn't seem to care and just waved me off, mumbling, "Your loss for being late. Find a seat." 

I saw Minnie waving her hand up high, and I saw an empty seat next to her. I rushed over, ignoring the many pairs of eyes on me, and sat down, panting. "Thanks, Minnie." I nodded in appreciation. "You're welcome. Now hurry up and get ready for lesson already!" She said. I pulled out my required materials and started to jot down notes.


"What the hell is this shit?" I whispered to myself. I began rubbing my temples, trying to relieve myself of a massive headache. The words were way too complicated to understand, and the equation did not make any sense to me. 

"Am I in the wrong class? I don't understand shit." I looked over to my right, wanting to clarify my doubts with Minnie and Miyeon. "Hey-" I stopped. They were both sound asleep. "Seriously? I felt miserable, when suddenly someone tapped my left shoulder.

"You okay?" Came a voice. I turned to my left and saw a boy looking at me with concern. For the first half of the lesson, I was so immersed into the lesson that I did not notice there was a boy next to me. He had brown eyes, a fairly sharp nose with neat hair. 

"I can help you if you want." He smiled shyly. 

"...uh yeah. I don't really understand this, could you please explain it to me? I hope I'm not troubling you." I looked at my paper, nervous. I was embarrassed to seek help from a complete stranger, as that meant showing my vulnerability. But I knew that I could not refuse, as I would not be able to understand the rest of the chapter if I did not get things right now. 

"Of course not! Now, this word means..." He began explaining everything to me immediately.

"Oh, I get it now!" I grinned. "Thank you! Oh, I'm Yuqi by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself first. You are?" 

"You're welcome! I'm Taehyung." He reached his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand with a huge smile on my face, having finally understood the lesson content. 

"I really can't thank you enough for helping me. How about I treat you to some coffee today?" 

"Oh, there's no need to treat me. We can just study together at a cafe today. What about 3pm today? I have chemistry class later on." Taehyung replied. 

"Hey, I do too! What a coincidence!" I smiled. And that's how we became friends.


After chemistry class, I said goodbye to Minnie and Miyeon, then made my way to my locker. I grabbed whatever I had planned to study later on with Taehyung, then closed the locker door. 

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