Chapter 8; Revelations

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1 Week Later

Yuqi POV

"What the hell?" I groaned. I had gotten my results back and as expected, I got horrendous scores.

"I actually studied so hard for this shit. And now I'm getting scores like 5/30? You must be kidding me." I rolled my eyes. But to be honest, this test was pretty hard. I glanced over to Miyeon and Minnie, who were smiling at their test papers.

"How did you guys do?" I asked them.

"I think I did pretty well! I got a 25/30. Could've done better though." Minnie pouted.

"Hey, that's pretty good! I can't relate though. Cheer up! You did well." I playfully smacked Minnie's head.

"Alright, class!" Professor Jiyeon's voice boomed from the front of the lecture hall. "Now, as you may know, this test will be part of your final grade. If you did badly, fret not, since this isn't your final exam. You still have time to catch up. You may ask me for tutoring sessions if you need to, and I strongly advise you to do so."

There's no point. I thought. I'll never pass chemistry.

Feeling as demoralized as ever, I put my head on the table and slept through the class.

Lucas POV

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up!" I shook Yuqi's shoulders. "Class is over."

She lifted her head groggily and blinked a few times while rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Don't you know what time class ends? It's 12 pm right now. We don't have classes after this. We take the same course, you can trust me."

"Uhh, okay."

Suddenly, Miyeon waved her arms in front of us. "Hello?" She looked at Minnie and muttered, "Yeah, I see what you mean." She turned back to look at us. "I'm off to the arcade now, with Minnie. Let's have lunch together tomorrow, Yuqi! It's long overdue."

Yuqi nodded and smiled in response, "Sure!" With that, they left the lecture hall.

"This means that you're free, right?"


Yuqi POV

"Wong Yuk Hei! I swear, you better slow down or I'll kill you! Seriously, how are you not being chased down by police by now?" I said as I gripped onto my seat tightly. "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to go out with you!"

"Hey, I'm literally going at 100km/hr!" Lucas chuckled. "Seriously, you're such a weakling. We went even faster the last time, remember? Now keep quiet and enjoy the ride!"

Lucas sped up.

I'm really going to die.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now. We're here, pabo." Lucas flicked my forehead.

"Ugh, you're the pabo. Fine!" I stepped outside.

"This place looks really beautiful! It doesn't suit you at all." I said to Lucas, rolling my eyes. I looked around in awe.

The place was serene. It was just a big, grassy plain. I could hear birds chirping in the distance. I felt a strange sense of peace overcome me, and unknowingly, I began to smile to myself. I also felt a pair of eyes staring intently at me.

I whipped my head to face Lucas, "What are you staring at, creep?"

"U-uh, nothing. I thought I saw a really p-pretty bird behind you...?" Lucas stuttered. A shade of light pink coloured his cheeks.

She Told Me To Dream, So I Did - LuQiWhere stories live. Discover now