Chapter 7; Masked Emotions

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Lucas POV

12 am.

Honestly, I don't know why I ended up here. At a parking lot of a cinema.

This place really brings back a lot of memories for me. Bad ones at that.

Suddenly, a group of people walked out from the main entrance. Couples holding hands, giggling together and sharing their leftover popcorn. But of course, there were people walking alone. Looking happy nonetheless, yet lonely.

I feel the same. I'm happy, really. Mostly happy anyway. I have everything I could possibly want; I have friends, I have a complete family, and I have money. But I'm missing something. I can't exactly pinpoint what it is, but all I know is that I feel really empty without it. I'm missing a purpose. 

I need... someone, perhaps? 

Someone who can bring colour to my monotonous world of repeated routines.

Someone like... Yuqi?

I shook my head aggressively, trying to rid of the thoughts in my head. I can never be together with Yuqi! We're friends, sure, but no way she'll develop feelings for me. Hell, I would be lucky if she even opens up to me as a friend.

But I can't deny how my heart races when I see her, how I feel nervous when I talk to her, and how I think that she's just so adorable.

However... she's Taehyung's friend. When she finds out the truth about me, she'll never want to be friends with me again.

But... a man can dream, right?

Yuqi's POV

12 am.

What a day.

How did I end up in this state?

I'm curled up on my bed, scrolling through my phone with Minnie already snoring on her bed. Somehow, I ended up on Lucas' Instagram. He's really handsome, no doubt. But today I also found out that he can be really sweet and genuine at times. For some reason, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Though, it doesn't kill to be his friend, right?

I looked at my calendar. The upcoming week is filled with mini tests and quizzes which will be part of our final grade. How fun.

I dread school everyday. Learning about the human body? Human cells? That's cool and all, but I'd rather be doing something else. I want to explore what humanity has to offer, I want to see the world from the perspective of others. I want to write.

I have friends, I go to a good school and hopefully I'm on the path to a good, high paying career.

But am I really happy?


I'm back with a short update! My midterms are almost over so I can update more frequently now (hopefully).

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