Chapter 10; Devil In Disguise?

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Yuqi's POV

"So, what do you want to tell me?" I asked curiously.

"Well... uh..." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his cup of coffee.

"Hey, are you alright? You can tell me anything and I wouldn't get angry, you know. Assuming that it's not some ridiculous thing." I put my hand over his hand in an effort to try to coax him to speak.

Suddenly, he lifted his head.

"Okay, here it goes."


Taehyung's POV

20 December 2016

"Are you free for dinner later, Junhyeon? I heard this new restaurant just opened nearby and I'm really excited to try it!" I skipped alongside my girlfriend.

"You're such a child, Tae." Junhyeon ruffled my hair playfully. "Sure, why not?" She smiled.

I pumped my fist in the air. "Great!"

"But I'm busy right now. Can you go home first? I'll text you when I reach home, alright?" She said.

"Busy? With what? I can wait for you, you know. I have a lot of uncompleted work that I can do while I wait for you."

"No!" She shook her head violently. "I-I mean, this may take a while, s-so you should go home first. Miss Park wants to speak to me about the Physics project, and it may take a while."

"Okay, got to go! See you later, Taetae." She pecked me on my cheek and sprinted away.

What? What Physics project?

I stood there dumbfounded for a minute before I realised she was gone. I scratched my head in confusion and walked off.

"I'll just wait for her text, I guess. She'd better give me a good explanation," I muttered to myself.

I walked out of the classroom, heading towards the main gate.


"What was that? Is someone injured?" I thought. I walked quickly towards the source of the sound, which happened to be a classroom.

"I told you! I warned you, many times! Since you wouldn't listen, you leave me no choice." I heard a guy say.

"You can't force me to do whatever you want me to!" I heard a feminine voice.


I peeked into the classroom through the small window on the door. There was a broken table lying on the floor. Both parties seemed too absorbed in their fight to notice that I was there. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Yes I can, and I will! I told you to break up with that loser boyfriend of yours and date me. You know the consequences if you don't do that. Since you decided to continue to date him, you shall face the consequences, then!" The guy shouted. As I focused my gaze on him, I realised that he was the guy that the whole school was crazy for.


"He's not my 'loser boyfriend'! He treats me well, genuinely likes me and cares for me. All you care about is your stupid reputation!" She shouted back.


Lucas slowly took a few steps towards Junhyeon. Junhyeon started to shake and tremble.

"What did you just say?" Lucas growled lowly.

"You have no idea how much I like you! All those purses? The chocolate? They were all from me! I care for you, too! I could have just chosen any one of the other girls in this school to date, but you're special to me, Junhyeon! You're pretty, talented, and intelligent. I like you so much! Why can't you see that?" Lucas grabbed her arm swiftly and gripped it tightly.

"This is your last chance to make your choice, Junhyeon. Date me, or my family will purchase your little convenience store and I'll get to have full control over your life." Lucas smirked menacingly.

"Alright, that's enough!" I kicked the door open and watched the door handle fall off. Both heads turned to look at me.

"Taehyung!" Junhyeon let out a shaky breath, with fear and relief evident in her eyes.

Lucas let go of Junhyeon and walked towards me. Without a word, he punched me.

"You! You pathetic piece of scum. I can give Junhyeon a life much, much better than you ever can. You're selfish, you know that?" Another punch.

"Break up with her right now, or else both of you will regret it." He readied his fist for another punch.

"Stop! Lucas, please stop! I'll date you!" Junhyeon suddenly pleaded, being down on her knees behind Lucas.

Lucas lowered his fist and turned around. He offered his hand to Junhyeon, helping her to stand up. His gaze suddenly softened.

"Finally, Junhyeon. You've come to your senses. Why don't we go on a date right now?" He put his arm around her shoulders and walked out. He smiled at me smugly and walked out. Junhyeon started to cry. She mouthed to me,

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung. I love you."

End of Flashback

"I've never heard from her ever since. Someone told me she moved away to get away from Lucas and his family. The convenience store isn't there anymore. I spent the next 3 years looking for her, but she had already cut contact with everyone here. I miss her, but I know it's near impossible for us to meet again. I don't even know whether she's still alive."

"My point is that Lucas is a psychopath. I don't want you near him, Yuqi. It's for your own good. I hate Lucas because of this. Listen to me, please."

However, seeing Yuqi's reaction, I started to regret telling her our past.

What have I done?

Yuqi's POV


I was speechless.

I tried to absorb whatever Taehyung just told me.

Lucas... Is he really like that? He's never been abusive nor toxic towards me before... Please don't prove me wrong, Lucas.

Suddenly, all these thoughts started to overwhelm me and I got a headache. I clenched my fists under the table and inhaled deeply.

I can't stay here anymore.

I suddenly stood up, causing my chair to drag on the floor and make a loud sound. I bowed towards Taehyung.

"Thank you for telling me this, Tae. I need to clear my head for a while, please don't follow me." With that, I walked towards the door and left my coffee on the table.

Lucas, I trust you. I really, really do. I haven't opened up to anyone in such a long time. You actually matter in my life. Please don't break my trust. I should've heard this from you. You took such a long time to befriend me, yet this is happening.

Why, Lucas?

15 minutes later

Lucas: Yuqi...

Lucas: I need to talk to you.



The past between Lucas and Taehyung has finally been revealed!

Lucas is an absolute angel IRL don't get me wrong lol

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Might take a while before my next chapter since I'm getting busy again. :(

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