Chapter 12; Masterplan

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Lucas POV

"Young Master Lucas, Master Mark has sent me to inform you that you will have to attend another family dinner on the 7th of August." My long-time butler, Tim, told me as he stood in my doorway.

"Okay, whatever," I dismissed him with a flick of my hand. I've never cared about family dinners, I've always felt that they were pretentious and mundane since the same few words were always exchanged. This one surely wasn't an exception as well --

"It's with the Song family," Tim added on.

I stiffened.

Okay, nevermind.

I have to care about this one.

I glanced at my calendar. Oh shit, it's in two weeks!

"I thought so," Tim smirked. "Care to join me on the balcony, Young Master?" I nodded and got up from my bed.


The almost black night sky was in contrast to the several bright and sparkling stars which decorated the dark canvas. The twinkling stars strangely offered me a sense of comfort. I could feel a gentle breeze and I joined Butler Tim, leaning against the railing. I felt much more relaxed and collected out here than I was back in my room -- the air here was much fresher than the stale air of my damn room.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked Tim.

I've known Tim since I was five. My parents decided that I needed more people to watch me since I was growing bigger and getting into more trouble. My female helpers could not control me anymore, so they decided to hire a male helper to help influence me. He groomed me more than my parents ever did.

He watched me grow up, teaching me all the do's and don't's of life, social etiquette, and even helped me with some of my homework. Most importantly, he taught me how to be a gentleman and helped me through all my hardships in my life so far.

He's always been able to see through me since he knew me inside-out, having spent the majority of my life with me so far.

"So, who in the Song family has gotten you so tense?" Tim chuckled. "A love interest?"

I choked. "Uh..."

"No need to hide things from me, Lucas. I already know. So, how's the crush developing?" Tim teased.

"Well, not so good..." I started. I explained the whole situation to him, from the first time I met Yuqi to our most recent argument.

"Wow, that sounds complicated," Tim furrowed his brows. "Did you find out why she's so mad at you?"

"No... well, she thinks I perceive her as some gold digger, and that..." I trailed off as an imaginary light bulb lit up in my head.

"She probably thinks that I was very insincere and dishonest since I didn't tell her about myself before Taehyung did, and that I was again very insincere when I gave her my gifts, right?"

"She probably thinks I'm out to hurt her like what I did to Junhyeon! Or that I'm some psychopath waiting for the opportunity to ruin her..."

Tim smiled, "Go get your girl."


I had several things to do before the 7th of August. Big things to do. I had a plan, a masterplan to fix everything.

Firstly, I had to find Junhyeon.


As I walked into the restaurant, I immediately spotted a girl wearing a simple white t-shirt, ripped jeans and a cream coloured cardigan. Her face was covered by luscious brown locks, but I could still see hints of her sharp eyes along with a fairly high nose bridge and pursed lips.

As I sat down in front of the girl, I started to sweat despite being in an air-conditioned room.

"Long time no see, Lucas." The girl rolled her eyes at me.

Chaemin is Junhyeon's best friend. They've known each other ever since they were little, always hanging out together and such. I don't know what their story is, but I do know that they were pretty damn close. When Junhyeon moved away, she was devastated. She skipped school for about two weeks, and even after that I don't think she ever got over it. She hated me so much that she decided to transfer to another school, but she's doing well now. Anyway, seeing her everyday would probably kill me inside.

I know she never wants to see me again, but she's my only hope right now.

"You better have a good reason for literally forcing me to come to meet you Lucas. Don't you dare think that I've forgotten what happened." Chaemin narrowed her eyes at me.

I gulped, "I know, and I'm really sorry. I just really need to know where Junhyeon is right now."

"And why should I tell you? Taehyung came to me many times asking me where she is, but I never told him, so why should I help you instead of him? You were the one who hurt her, Lucas. He loved her, while you were a selfish prick! Actually, you know what? I shouldn't even be here! I'm betraying her while I'm sitting here talking to you, knowing that you inflicted so much pain. Fuck you, Lucas! You don't deserve to know where she is, and I won't let you hurt her again!" Chaemin slammed her fist on the table, drawing attention from the rest of the cafe.

As she stood up and walked out of the restaurant, I started to panic. No, no, no! This is my only chance!

I ran out of the restaurant and grabbed her wrist. "Chaemin, hear me out, alright?!" I pleaded.

Before she had a chance to speak, I continued, "I know that what I did to Junhyeon was unacceptable. I know that I have emotionally hurt her deeply. I know that I'm the last one that she ever wants to see again. I was immature and toxic, I know. I know I'm wrong and I'm terribly sorry. I'm trying my best to right my wrongs so that everyone can move on from the trauma and actually find our own happiness again." I inhaled deeply. "I just need to have a good talk with her, I promise I won't do anything stupid. I'm doing this not only for myself, but for Junhyeon and Taehyung, and even for you too.

So can you please, help me?"

She stared at me for a few seconds, lost in thought. My hands started to tremble. Come on Chaemin, you know this is the right thing to do.


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