Chapter 13; Phase 1

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Lucas POV

After a 6 hours car ride, I finally arrived.

I took in the sight in front of me. Silky dirty blonde hair hung low past her shoulders. Almond-shaped eyes accompanied a sharp nose with plump lips. Her sharp jawline accentuated the rest of her facial features perfectly. She was in a white sweatshirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots.

Damn, she looks really pretty today. No wonder I had a crush on her before.

But that's not what I'm here for.

"How have you been, Junhyeon?"

Junhyeon stopped fidgeting with her fingers and looked up back at me. I was startled by the emotion held behind her eyes.

She was hurt.

She was angry.

She was broken.

"Much better before you came looking for me again." Junhyeon snapped. "What do you want, Lucas? I'll have you know that if it weren't for Chaemin's insistence, I wouldn't even be here talking to you. You know full well that I don't ever want to see you again."

I gulped, "I'm not here to relive our past Junhyeon. I'm just here to clarify some things and hopefully offer us some... closure."

"And why should I trust you? You know very well what happened between us." Junhyeon looked away.

"I understand."

But I'm not going to back away and I'm not going to run away now.

"But it's been too long, Junhyeon. I know we're both trying to move on into other parts of our lives but I know that I'm not the only one still suffering from this." I grabbed her hand on the table to get her attention.

She flinched away.

"I just want this to be over, Junhyeon. So we can close this chapter and start a new one with people who are special to us."

Junhyeon opened her mouth and was possibly going to say something in protest, but then she closed her mouth slowly and nodded, prompting me to continue, with a look of mistrust lingering in her eyes.

"Firstly, I'm really, really, sorry. I've been feeling extremely guilty and apologetic for the incidences that have happened between us. I don't know if there's a perfect way to resolve this, but I'm here to try my best. I've done some self-reflection over the years and I hope that you'll be able to accept my apology.

I was toxic, possessive, and insensitive. I couldn't see past myself to genuinely care about you. Yes, I really liked you, but I only cared about my own happiness. I couldn't see that you were unhappy with me and that you actually really liked Taehyung. I only wanted you to myself and for that I'm sorry.

How I handled my crush on you was intolerable as well. I even used fear to try and control you. I used my financial advantage to try and make you mine. I essentially tried to buy you over, being the materialistic idiot I was. Since then, I've realised that money can't always buy us everything, as some things are to be done with what is inside our heart.

I shouldn't have been selfish and I should've treated you right even as a person. I've learnt from my mistakes and I'm here to try and fix everything so we can all move on."

As I looked at Junhyeon, I could see her struggling with her emotions. She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. Silence swamped over us for a few heart-stopping moments.

When she looked back up at me, she looked back at me with such intensity that I was taken aback once again.

"You know, I've done my own self-reflection over the years as well.

I've learnt how to pick myself up again and start anew in this new place. I've healed more or less, slowly but surely. I've learnt how to forgive regardless of how horrible the circumstances were, because I knew that we were young and immature. But there's always been that one part of me that hasn't been able to fully let go.

Yes, I'm still hurt, angry and broken, but not as much as what I felt then. I'm glad you came here to fix things, Lucas. Pardon my aggressive behavior earlier, but I was just suspicious of your intentions and everything. Now that I look at it, we've both grown.

We're no longer selfish teenagers, and I'm really happy that we've learnt how to handle our emotions better as adults. We're able to handle these things more appropriately, like you coming to find me. I apologise for delaying this by escaping from all of you for so long, when I should've done this much earlier.

I feel much better now, and thank you. I think that this has really helped both of us release that last bit of guilt or anger in us, so that we can finally fully heal, and I'm really proud of you."

The corner of my lips tugged up in a smile.

We really have grown, Junhyeon.

You've grown up to be a beautiful, mature woman.

"What's on your mind?" Junhyeon prompted after a few moments of silence. "I hope you're not laughing at my speech or having second thoughts about crushing on me again."

I chuckled, "Nothing. I was just thinking of how immature all of us were back then. I can see how far all we've grown and how perhaps we're finally ready to let this go."

"You're right. Wow, I'm surprised at how our attitudes just changed within what, a minute of speech? People might even think we've been waiting to resolve this all our lives." Junhyeon half-joked.

"Hmm, yeah." I drummed my fingers against the table, feeling my anxiety rise up once again. "I know it may be too soon to ask this, but can we be friends again?" I pushed a cheque towards her.

"Here's some money for you guys to move back to your original location and start up your business again. I've spoken with the landlords, and they don't mind. You're a really nice person, Junhyeon. I was hoping if we can be friends again-"

She shushed me. "You're rambling, Lucas." She took the cheque. "I'm guessing this is one of your ways of apologising?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"Alright, I'll discuss it with my parents. If they agree, we'll definitely pay you the money back. We're not gold diggers." She smirked. "And yes, we can be friends again."

"That's great! I can't wait." I grinned.

Damn, I can't believe we're being all friendly with each other now. She wanted to stab me like what, 5 minutes ago?

I was surprised.

This wasn't hard at all.

Looks like I just needed the courage to find her, instead of running away from the problem for so long.

"Wait! Now's not the time for celebration yet." She held up a finger to stop me.

"We have one more person to sort this out with. A person I haven't spoken to in two years." She continued, sighing.

And I knew exactly who she was talking about.



I actually wrote this together with Chapter 12, but I held on to it for a while to edit and make some amendments. Anyway, I have more exams for the next two weeks, but again I'll try my best! School is way too tiring haha. :( Hope you guys enjoyed this update! :>

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