Chapter 5; Unexpected Visitor

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Taehyung P.O.V

"That's right, Yuqi! Good job!" I gave her a thumbs up. We have been studying in the cafe for the past 3 hours. Well, mostly her, anyway. She seemed slower in grasping the content of the topics, and seemed easily frustrated when she did not understand something. But that was fine by me, I was more than happy to help her and spend time with her.

I looked at her as the frustrated look on her face changed into an excited smile. She punched the air, exclaiming, "Yes! Thanks, Taehyung!" I smiled back at her. As she flipped her textbook and continued to study, I continued to stare at her subconsciously. She's cute when she's concentrated. Suddenly, she waved in front of my face. 


I blinked rapidly, snapping back into reality. 

"Oh.. sorry. I don't know what took got me there." I rubbed my nape in embarrassment and looked back down onto my book, averting her gaze. 

"Okay...?" She sounded confused. Stop being a creep, Tae! I thought. But to be honest, I really didn't know what happened. She was attractive, sure, but I had vowed to myself that I would not fall for anyone ever again, not ever since that one incident.

"Hey, Tae, how does electrolysis work again? I forgot, could you..." Before Yuqi could complete her sentence, she got distracted and looked at the entrance, before rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath. Puzzled, I turned to look there as well and there, I saw someone that I wish I had not. Someone who caused me so much pain that I... I hated him. 

I clenched my fists subconsciously and narrowed my eyes. He walked with a bunch of friends, some male, and some female. They did not seem to notice me and Yuqi. The females were giggling non-stop while playfully slapping the guys' arms. I turned back and shut my eyes for a few seconds, regaining my composure. I opened my eyes when I felt a warm hand wrap around my clenched fist. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Yuqi asked, genuinely concerned. I forced a smile yet again and nodded. 

"Sorry, I just mistook him for someone else." 

"If you need to talk to anyone about it, just let me know, okay? It's fine, I don't really like him either." She smiled. I nodded in gratitude. "You were saying?"


The next day;


Yuqi P.O.V

As the day passed, I tried my best to pay attention in class, asking my friends if there was anything I didn't understand. I hated this course. I never liked the sciences, I've always preferred the arts. No matter what I told my parents, they never listened to me. They told me that studying the arts would not get me anywhere, and instead, I should study about the industry that they worked in. They told me that if I did not study biomedical engineering, they would disown me, so I tried my best to study this course. I know, ridiculous, right? I guess they love their job more than they love me.

The thought of Taehyung at the cafe yesterday also kept nagging me. Why was he so... agitated yesterday? Why did he not want to share his thoughts with me? Well, to be fair, we've only known each other for a few weeks, but I really wanted to help Taehyung, whatever it might be.

I ignored Lucas for the entire day, only answering him when he had genuine questions about the lesson material. Other times when he tried to use cheesy pick-up lines on me, or try to talk to me about other things, I would just flip him off.

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