Chapter 1; A New Beginning

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"Yes, mom! I'm coming! Just give me a few minutes to wash up alright!" I groaned as I dragged myself out of bed. It's my first day of college, and I must admit I am fairly nervous. I changed into a fresh set of clothes - a plain white shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. 

Is this too simple? I thought to myself. I've read online that it's important to dress well on your first day of school, but I've never really been the type to overdress. Moreover, it's just college right? It's far from a party or anything. Granted, I've never been to a party before.

 "Maybe I'll try a little bit, just today," I told myself. I wanted to create a good impression and make some friends. I swapped my white tee for an off-shoulder top I rarely wear. "I sure hope this is worth it." I muttered.

"Song Yuqi!"

"Yes, mom! 2 minutes!"

I quickly brushed my teeth, making extra effort to floss properly, and gave my curly hair a quick brush before heading downstairs with my army green kanken bag and my turquoise luggage.

"Woah, you look good today, qi," my father complimented me. 

"Thanks, dad." I smiled. "At least you're finally wearing one of the tops I bought you! You should really start wearing them, you know. They're going to collect dust in your closet," my mom teased me. "Yes, mom.." I replied. She continued to drone on and on about god-knows-what.

As I drift out of our conversation, I started to worry about how college life would be. Who will I meet? Will I do well in my studies? What if I don't understand half the things taught in class? What if..

"Hello? Earth to Yuqi?"

My mom was staring at me. "Uhh, yes mom?" I jolted back to reality. "Did you even listen to half the things I said?" She questioned. "Uhh..." 

"Nevermind. Did you get all your things? It's time to leave soon," my mom sighs.

I put my luggage in the trunk and get ready to get into the front seat. "Yuqi ah! Wait!" My dad calls me from behind. 

"Have fun at school okay! Don't miss us too much, we'll see you this weekend anyway." He winks. He gave me a kiss goodbye and stepped back as I hopped into the front seat. "Bye!" I wave. My dad smiled and waved back. I watched as he slowly shrinks to a small dot in the distance as my mom begins her 1 hour drive to my new college, Cube National University.


"We're here!" My mom exclaimed. I took my things out of the car trunk. As I turned to face the college campus, my mouth widened in awe. The college looks HUGE. Like, it was at least 3 times the size of my old high school in China. 

"I know, its really big right?" My mom grinned, reading my mind. "It's not cheap to study here, so I hope you'll appreciate this opportunity the Wong family offered us." 

"Of course, mom." I replied.

As we walked into the dormitory area, I saw many Koreans bidding goodbye to their parents. We were then greeted by a middle-aged lady, who seemed to be one of the staff at the college. 

"Good morning! You're a new student here aren't you? Why don't you first register at that counter over there?" She gestures to a wooden counter about 20 feet away. I nod my head in thanks and walked over. I handed in the form with all my particulars, and signed my name on a piece of paper.

Song Yuqi/송우기 --- Minnie Nicha Yontararak/윤민히

Room D32

Oh, who's this? I thought. Probably my roommate. Well, I sure hope she's nice.

"Enjoy your stay!" The counter lady handed me a keycard.

"Let's go, ma." I pulled my luggage behind me as I tried to look for my room. "D32...D32..." I mumbled to myself. Suddenly, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hello!" A girl flashes a big smile at me. "Do you need help?" She asked cheerfully. She's around my height, straight brown hair and brown eyes. She has a fairly sharp nose, with a pretty high nose bridge. Woah, she's really pretty. I thought to myself. 

"Well, kind of.. I'm looking for my room, D32?" I pointed to my keycard. "Oh, what a coincidence! You're roommates with my friend, Minnie, aren't you?"

"Uh, I think so." I scratch my head. "Okay, let's go then! Is your... mom coming?" She looks at my mother.

"You two go ahead, I think I'll head back now. I have to go to work soon." My mom wraps me in a warm embrace. "I can't believe it. You're already in college! Have fun with your friends and study hard alright? I'll see you this Saturday." She pulls away and looks at me proudly. 

"Mom! I've got to go!" I whisper to her. "Yes, yes.." She says, with a wistful look in her eyes. I pull my luggage and started to walk away. I turn back again and wave to my mother. She smiled yet again before we walked our separate ways.

"Hey, your luggage and your kanken bag looks really good, by the way." Miyeon commented. "I have a kanken bag too, but it's really old and worn out." "Thanks." I replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, we're here!" Miyeon suddenly exclaimed. I jolted back to reality. I had zoned out through the quiet, awkward trip here. D32 reads the sign on the door. Miyeon stops and glances at me awkwardly. "Uh, I don't have the keycard..?" Oh my god, I'm really stupid sometimes. "Oh, my bad." I laughed nervously and flashed the keycard, and I stepped inside the room.

The room was smaller than I expected, with only 2 tables, 2 single beds, and 2 small dressers. I notice the left side of the room was covered with posters of a girl group, namely BlackPink. "Sorry, don't mind that. Minnie gets very excited over BlackPink sometimes," Miyeon apologises. "Oh, it's fine. I mean, I like their music too." I say as I began to unpack my things. "Where's Minnie?" I asked, curious. "Oh, she texted me saying she's on her way back here."

Speaking of the devil, I heard a beep from the door and a girl steps into the room. She has big eyes, a flat nose and straight brown hair. She's fairly tall, with pale skin, definitely taller than me. Damn, she's really pretty too. Are people at this college always this good-looking?

"Hello!" She greeted me. "You must be my new roommate. What's your name?" 

"Oh, I'm Yuqi." I reached forward to shake her hand. "I'm Minnie. Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm not Korean, a Thai actually hahaha. So my full name is a little long," she scratched her head. 

"Oh, it's okay, I'm not Korean too. I'm Chinese." I smiled warmly at her. "That's great! We have something in common. Also, I'm sure you already know, that's Miyeon, my friend since high school." She pointed to Miyeon. 

"Oh yeah, she brought me here earlier." I responded, continuing to unpack my things and sorting them into the dresser provided. 

"Well, what do you study Yuqi?" Minnie asked.

"I study biomedical engineering. What about you guys?" 

"Oh, that's what we're studying too!" Miyeon and Minnie replied in unison. 

"That's great! We can all study together then," I heaved a sigh of relief. I had a worry that I wouldn't be able to make friends here at the university, especially people who can help me study, since I wasn't very good at sciences.

I finished unpacking all my things while Miyeon and Minnie were busy chirping away about BlackPink, and college in general. "What about you, Yuqi? Do you like BlackPink?" Miyeon broke my train of thought. 

"Oh, yeah, I listen to their songs." I turn to face them, sitting on my bed. 

"Yay! Another blink! Who's your bias? Mine's Lisa." Minnie chattered. 

"Oh well, I like Jisoo, because her vocals are really good, but I don't really have a bias." 

"What's your favourite song? Do you stan any other groups? Do you..." She continued to bombard me with questions. As I continue to answer them one by one, I feel relieved.

Well, at least I've made some friends, they seem friendly enough... But will everything be as smooth sailing as this?

What could possibly go wrong?

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