Chapter 4; Boyfriend?

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Lucas P.O.V

"What are you doing here?" Yuqi exclaimed. I smirked at her, before shrugging, "I told you we'll be having dinner together anyway, Yuqi. You can't escape me." I winked at her. I saw her roll her eyes at my action before walking away.

"Lucas, come here!" I heard my mother call out. I walked over to the dining table and bowed to everyone on the table, flashing my signature smile. 

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Song." I proceeded to take a seat, making eye contact with Yuqi for a few seconds. I opened my mouth to say something, but I got cut off by my father.

"So, what is Yuqi studying?" He spoke as he sipped some wine. 

"Biomedical engineering, Sir." Mr Song replied. My dad nodded in satisfaction. 

"Ah, Lucas studies that too. Well, I'm sure the both of you are friends then, studying the same course?" I smiled again, with confidence, and nodded. I glanced over to Yuqi, who almost choked on her drink before she nodded slowly. 

I bet she didn't expect all of this to happen. I thought, amused. I continued to eat the premium steak that was served to me, looking up every once in a while to remain engaged in the dinner. I realised that Yuqi looked really uncomfortable throughout the dinner. 

Suddenly, she stood up, "Sorry, I need to go the the washroom." She excused herself and left. For some reason, I had an urge to follow her but I slapped myself mentally. 

Are you crazy? She's going to the washroom, there's no reason for you to follow her! I thought. I continued to eat the meal in silence, joining the conversation every once in a while when I was required to. Something's off with Yuqi. I thought. But that's not my problem.


Yuqi's P.O.V

I closed the door to my room quietly and threw myself onto my bed.

"Ugh!!" I screamed into my pillow. Is fate screwing around with me? Why is my family working for Lucas' family? That meant that I had to see him a lot more often now, and I was obliged to be nice to him in order to not get my family into trouble. I threw my pillow across the room in frustration.

I hated this. Lucas is just some fuckboy who thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he's captured the hearts of so many girls in school. He thinks he can obtain me so easily. He's good looking, so what? He has no loyalty, he flirts with more girls than I can count with both my fingers, my toes and probably my hair. I rolled my eyes. 

Well, I'm not like the other girls, Lucas. I refuse to be treated like some plaything. I vowed.


The next day;

"Alright, first lesson is... Chemistry. Great." I muttered under my breath. I saw Taehyung waiting outside the lecture hall, scrolling through his phone. I walked up to him with a smile on my face. 

"Hey, Taehyung! Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, I am. Actually, I was waiting for you." He looked up and smiled back.  I tilted my head in confusion. He held up two cups of iced Americano. 

"One of them is for you." He said. Immediately, I reached for my purse and began to take out some money to pay him back. 

"Nah, there's no need to pay me, my treat." He shook his head. I pouted. "Okay.. but my treat next time!" We chuckled and headed into class.

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