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Jisung and his friends went to a café, their usual hangout place.

Jisung thought that it's just another day to have fun with his friends, nothing more

They went inside the café and to their surprise, today was a little crowdy

"Wow, there's so many people." Felix said

They went around and found a table for more people

They sat there and occupied some of the seats, since there's a few chairs that is available .

"Hey guys, Imma go order now, just the usual? " Seungmin asked

Everyone nodded and Seungmin went to the counter and ordered their usual drinks and foods.

After a few minutes, Seungmin went back to their table with their ordered foods and have a chat with them

While chatting , Jeongin noticed that it's getting more crowded in the place.

They all shrugged it off but when Jisung was about to talk, there's a small tap on his shoulders

Jisung looked at the person and his eyes went wide to see an ethereal being

"U-Uh Yes?" Jisung stuttered

"Can we sit here? There's no available chairs in this café anymore" The guy said while smiling

"Oh,  Of course!" They all agreed and that made the other group smile

"Uh btw my name is Minho, what's yours? " Minho asked

"My name's Jisung" He said while smiling

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