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Minho's POV

//Time Skip//

We are currently here at his room and he's sleeping cutely, he wants to rest

His parents went out to go to the mall for a bit

I decided to call my parents and told them about Jisung's family and the marriage thing .

They know that I'm gay since and they're cool with it

Ring~ Ring~
(ddareureung ddareureung// where are my trot lovers fam at?!)

Hello mom?

Yes son?

You know the Han Family?

Yes son ! They were my best friends since grade school why?

I'm here at their house right now

Why are you there?


Lemme Guess!! Hah!! You're in a relationship with his son, am I right?!?!


Good! Haha

They want to tell you that they want to set a meeting with the two of you and also with us

Oh of course!! Maybe this Saturday and since it's Thursday today we have a little time but its okay ! Tell them I'm excited!!

Okay mom! Bye

Ok son Bye!

Toot toot ••••

I looked at Jisung's bed and he's slightly moving and I saw his eyes starts to flutter open

"Hi Minho-ahh " he said while yawning

Ahhh he's so cute!

I went to his side and I helped him to get up

"Wash your face squirrel" I said

He replied a nod and went to the bathroom

I can hear the sound of the flowing water at the sink

I waited for him to finish and after a few minutes , he came out with a fresh smile

"Lets go to an ice cream parlor" he said happily

How can I say no to that?

"Okay" I said while smiling and held his hands

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